Teen Series 1: Important Truths to Keep you Godly and Sane When Raising Teens!

Renew You with Quinn Kelly

29-10-2024 • 25分

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Parenting teenagers is fun and challenging all at once. You get to enjoy them being more independent but also have to navigate how to let them be independent while still guiding them in making good choices that they want to make on their own.

In today’s episode, Quinn encourages listeners to stay sane while parenting teens by:

1. Teaching parents how to not take it personally when your teen doesn’t enjoy you
2. Remembering the importance of protecting them digitally but giving them real life freedom
3. Giving grace when they make mistakes because they will

Mind Renewal Tip:
Even mature teens are immature! There brains aren’t fully developed so don’t be surprised when they show it.

Scripture Renewal Tip:
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
