Renew You with Quinn Kelly


The RENEW YOU Podcast is created to be like a private therapy session for you to tackle your everyday stresses and struggles through a mix of Jesus + Therapy with licensed marriage and family therapist Quinn Kelly.

In each episode of this podcast Quinn tackles subjects like negative self-talk, perfectionism, battling off defensiveness in marriage, parenting or friendships to give you something to think about in a renewed way each week with relatable stories, practical tips and a non-intimidating style because Quinn may not be able to solve the world’s problems, but she is passionate about helping you solve yours — making her ready to “Renew YOU.”

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6 Tips To Help You Find Understanding With Those You Love When You Want to Fight
6 Tips To Help You Find Understanding With Those You Love When You Want to Fight
Discover the way ahead at Indiana Wesleyan University. Learn more here. It’s that time of year when division can easily seem all around us. Politics, holidays, everyday life. It can feel overwhelming to disagree with people you love, and it can feel angering to not know how to handle it!  In today’s episode, Quinn shares her best tips in helping you create understanding and find peace when the world tells you to fight by:       1. Giving you one overarching principle to guide your conversations. 2. Offering a mindset to start a heated conversation with. 3. Teaching a tip to deescalate yourself when feeling triggered with anger.     Mind Renewal Tip: Being angry at someone that doesn’t agree with you is about as pointless as brushing your teeth with Oreos in your mouth. Nothing productive comes from it but frustration.   Scripture Renewal Tip: Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick tempered displays folly. Proverbs 14:29 Resources: Correction: In the episode, Quinn mistaken says the term omnifinality instead of equipfinality.
Equipping Your Daughters to be Mentally Strong
Equipping Your Daughters to be Mentally Strong
Discover the way ahead at Indiana Wesleyan University. Learn more here. A recent study by the CDC released on February 13, 2022 found that teen girls are struggling with their mental health and thoughts of self-harm significantly more than a decade ago. And while there are many factors that can be contributing to this decline including negative effects of continual exposure to social media and longstanding repercussions of isolation from pandemic, it is important for parents to take a proactive approach to strengthen their daughter(s)’ mental health.   In this episode, Quinn offers parents an understanding of:       1. What the recent research shows as to the decline of mental health of girls 2. The power of connection in improving mental health 3. Practical ways parents can protect their daughters  Mind Renewal Tip: The more we focus outward on others, the smaller our individual problems seem  Scripture Renewal Tip:   "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, declares the Lord." Isaiah 54:17  Link to Study:  Declaration of Identity: I am loved. I am here for a reason. I was created with unique purpose. I am beautifully created. And I will see myself that way. I am more than my emotions. I am more than my mistakes. My story is bigger than today. My life is a part of God’s bigger plan. I have a future and a hope. I will live with that in mind. J