Place Him Like a Seal Over Your Heart - the Promise of Song of Solomon - Episode #175

The Burt (Not Ernie) Show

26-02-2024 • 25分

In our continuing series, Every Book A Promise, let's take a look at the Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs, as it is titled in some Bible translations).

The overall promise of this book of the Bible is that of God's great love for His people.  His love is so vast, so enduring, so perfect that we will never be able to fully grasp or understand it. The depth of His love knows no bounds, and this episode is a reminder of that truth.

There are also a few warnings to be found in Song of Solomon.

Warnings to not awaken love before the proper time.

Warnings not to allow the little, destructive foxes in life to run wild and rampant, thrashing and trashing the things we've been working hard on.

Warnings to place Jesus as the seal over our hearts, and the greatest love of our life, and the one whom we've given our hearts to for eternity.

And the warning to be ready for Jesus to call us home to Him at any moment.

Feel free to ready the following verses in your Bible -

Chapter 2, verse 7

Chapter 2, verse 15

Chapter 8, verse 6

Chapter 8, verse 14

Next time we'll take a look at God's promises to His people in the book of Isaiah...and because this is such a tremendous book, more than one episode may be required to dig into the promises of Isaiah.

Thanks so much for listening today, and if this show has encouraged you, feel free to subscribe or share the link with someone else.

See you next time!

Jan L. Burt


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