Debunking the Devil's Lies - Psalm 117 & Nahum 1:7 Episode #177 of The Burt (Not Ernie) Show Podcast

The Burt (Not Ernie) Show

22-03-2024 • 24分

Join Jan Burt in the 177th episode of The Burt Not Ernie Show, a faith-based podcast committed to uplifting souls and encouraging believers. In this episode, Jan delves into the journey of discovering who you are in Christ and debunking the devil's lies about our identities. She further draws on the significance of the number seven, connecting it with the theme of recognizing and appreciating our unique roles gifted by God.

Psalm 91 Course

Featuring a deep dive into the Bible, specifically Nahum 1:7 and Psalm 117, Jan brings to the forefront God's promises and His unwavering goodness despite life's tribulations. This soul-stirring session ultimately calls for listeners to find refuge and place their uncompromised trust in God's word.

Uncover the transformative power of faith and truth in overcoming negative influences through God's word. Beyond merely reading scriptures, the episode inspires all to fully trust in God, resist the devil's falsehoods with a firm grip on the shields of faith, and bravely combat with the sword of God's word.

Taking center-stage is Psalm 117 from the New Living Translation, a succinct yet potent text reminding us of God's everlasting love and faithfulness. Compelling conversation evokes the omnipotent love of God characterized by the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. The victory, we are reminded, ultimately lies in God's Love.

In conclusion, the episode encourages listeners to carve out more space for God amidst their busy schedules. Slowing down and leaning into faith and patience are key components in this spiritually fulfilling journey. Necessary too is praying for others and hoping for their acquaintance with the Lord Jesus - encapsulating trust and total acceptance.

All in all, even in moments of struggle, God's truth and faithfulness serve as eternal beacons of hope. No matter the life challenges we face, we must remember God's unfailing love and His everlasting faithfulness—a powerful, enduring force to depend on.


深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
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リアルスピリチュアリスト 橋本ゆみ
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