Episode 12: 4 Copywriting Lessons to Engage Your Nonprofit's Next Generation of Supporters

The Novus Show

28-09-2020 • 37分

At 10 years old, Zach couldn't understand why his grandmother received so many free gifts in the mail. There were so many different colored envelopes, prayer cards, and dream catchers. He didn't know it at the time, but this was his first introduction into the world of nonprofit donor acquisition. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Zach was surprised... He was from a different generation and wasn't used to that style of communication—nor did he prefer it. Yet, what is even more surprising, is that by and large, the way in which nonprofits communicate with him and his grandmother, hardly differ—despite their generational gap. For today's episode, Zach and Frankie discuss 4 Copywriting Lessons that Nonprofit Marketing Professionals can use to reach a millennial audience.