
Lauren Lowrey

People talk about purpose, but no one tells you how to get there. That is, until now. AMPstigator takes the conversations out of your head and into your life. Join Lauren as she asks the questions you've been too afraid to answer about your life and your purpose. read less


Ep. 66 DO LESS (2 Words that will Change Your Life)
Ep. 66 DO LESS (2 Words that will Change Your Life)
Overdoing it is ingrained in our culture. So how do you go against the grain? In this latest episode, host Lauren Lowrey takes you on a journey through our American obsessions with doing too much. Get the deets on how our nation compares to other countries when it comes to work-life (im)balance. Plus, what questions to ask yourself so you can DO LESS.  💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You're chronically doing too much.Your self-worth was based on how much you can produce.You bought into the equation that HARD WORK makes you A GOOD PERSON   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren detailing why Americans are so obsessed with overdoing it. Lauren takes you way back to the Mayflower to show how pilgrims laid a lasting foundation for American society. Even to this day, we see the impacts  [4:26] But something changed in the digital age. Our obsession with work was accelerated and Lauren explains how.[11:26] Lauren walks you through the quantifiable disengagement happening in workplaces all over America and how it compares to other countries.[13:38] Tiny sneak-peak into what's coming up next for AMPstigator as Lauren details how she's taking her own medicine.   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - Lauren details how this episode is structured 1:34 - Our American history (Hard work = Heaven) 3:09 - Individualists vs Collectivists  4:26 - How the digital age accelerated our need to DO 7:03 - How the digital age has changed broadcast TV 8:12 - How "Just Do It" fueled the fire 9:30 - How this negatively impacts us 11:22 - We're seeing quantifiable disengagement in the workplace  12:33 - World Happiness Report 13:38 - Lauren's taking her own medicine on doing less     🗈 Show Notes 🗈 Ep. 31 At what cost? (When doing it all nearly kills you) [Spotify | Apple]    ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 65 FACE IT (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ep. 65 FACE IT (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Wait, you want me to face my pain!?! Woof! In the latest AMPstigator episode FACE IT, host Lauren Lowrey teaches you that once you've experienced trauma, the pain doesn’t go away. It just blends with you over time. The difficulty in processing the trauma comes from your inability to move forward.  After we experience pain, we spend our lives trying to return to status quo. We try to get back to who we were before that pain. But we have to realize: We were literally changed by the pain and the person we were is gone. In this episode, she shares 6 steps to FACE your pain and accept yourself for who you've become.   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You've experienced any bit of pain that you can't seem to faceYou're ready to try something new to process your problemsWhen you think about a particular thing that happened in your life, you can't help but cry   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren sharing a recent experience getting her annual blood work. Everything was perfect until the rubber tourniquet around her arm triggered a major MAMMA JAMMA trauma response. Whoa, Nelly! Didn't see that coming! She shows how tears indicate unhealed pain and why you need to FACE IT! [3:13] Lauren shares the PARADOX in trying to heal. Once you've experienced something, it's literally part of you. You are different so you need a different approach. [4:59] Why does talking-it-out work so well? It's literally a well-studied psychological foundation of Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT).[8:57] Lauren shares the steps you can take to begin to FACE IT in your own life. Her 6 suggestions include kicking judgment to-the-curb, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and implementing a gradual exposure.    Plus, how you'll know when the healing is all done!   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - Lauren experiences her first MAMMA JAMMA trauma trigger 2:44 - Working to heal and facing your fear 3:13 - How pain becomes part of you 4:59 - Research around healing trauma, Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT) 6:52 - The root of the phrase "face it"  8:57 - How you can FACE IT in your own life  10:34 - Getting a re-do on a trauma trigger   🗈 Show Notes 🗈 Ep. 31 At what cost? (When doing it all nearly kills you) [Spotify | Apple] Understanding PTSD, National Institutes of Health Ep. 56 The 7 surprising things that started happening when I meditated 2hrs/day [Spotify | Apple]    ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 63 SHUT UP! (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ep. 63 SHUT UP! (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
We talk entirely too much! If our mouths aren't yappin', our minds will certainly fill the void. In this eternal conversation with our intuition, our racing thoughts create a barrier for us to listen to the guidance. You’re missing the best parts of your spiritual experience because you just can’t figure out how to SHUT UP. So in this episode, we help you find ways to close your mouth, quiet your mind and just LISTEN to what you're being guided to do.   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 Your mind talks too much and you can't get it quietYou're interested in research around why we do the things we doYou need the Top 5 research supported ways to clear your mind   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren laying out what this episode is all about - SHUTTING UP! She shares her history as a compulsive communicator and what she's learned from getting quiet. In this episode, we also get into: [3:02] The sheer amount of research done about people who talk too much. There's even a Talkaholic scale where you can measure if you're a compulsive communicator. [6:12] The newest estimates about the number of thoughts you think every day and how overwhelming that would be if you said them out loud![7:11] The Top 5 research-supported ways to quiet your mind. Lauren digs into the research around how to find calm and stillness in your mind and body.     🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - Here's why you need to listen to this episode 1:54 - Little Lauren talked too much! 3:04 - Psychological research around talking too much 4:26 - Your mouth is closed but your mind won't stop talking  6:12 - You think 6,200 thoughts every day; your mind won't shut up 7:11 - Top 5 research-supported ways to quiet your mind (#1 Meditate) 8:57 - #2 Be in Nature 10:03 - #3 Be Creative/Artsy 11:33 - #4 Start journaling 12:55 - #5 Physical exercise 13:57 - Shut up your mind; listen to your intuition!    🗈 Show Notes 🗈 Talkaholic Scale (found here) Ep. 59 JUST ASK (2 Words that will Change Your Life) [Spotify | Apple] Ep. 56 The 7 surprising things that started happening when I meditated 2hrs/day [Spotify | Apple] Ep. 31 At what cost? (When doing it all nearly kills you) [Spotify | Apple] Ep. 39 How to trust, allow & let go (w/ Alyssa Rosenheck) [Spotify | Apple]   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 62: I'M SORRY (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ep. 62: I'M SORRY (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
You say 'I'M SORRY' more than you think. Research shows when we say it in the wrong situations we cause more harm than good. In this latest episode of the mini-series '2 Words that will Change Your Life,' Host Lauren Lowrey explores how we constantly over-apologize [newsflash: women are repeat offenders]. Get ready to learn why we say it, the 8 things you should never apologize for and the 3 things you could say in it's place.  💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You've found yourself saying 'I'm Sorry' way too oftenYou need a solid reflection about how people perceive your so-called apologiesYou didn't realize saying over-apologizing was such a detriment and want to stop   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren laying out why we say 'I'm Sorry' more than we realize. For many people it's a learned behavior that's hurting us in social situations.   [2:17] Research shows when you say ‘I’m sorry’ you’re actually sending the message that you don’t have any confidence in yourself. Saying 'I'm Sorry' at the wrong time causes the other person to feel even worse.[6:59] Why are you apologizing for things you shouldn't? In this section, Lauren lays out the 8 things you should never say 'I'm Sorry' for. [9:39] Lauren shares three easily attainable options for other quotes you could use in place of saying 'I'm Sorry.'     🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - You say I'm Sorry way too much 1:16 - Using I'm Sorry [incorrectly] to appease and comfort others 2:17 - Research around 'I'm Sorry' (lack of confidence, anger, etc.) 3:13 - Why do we say 'I'm Sorry'??? 5:58 - What Dr. PaQuita Pullen says about 'I'm Sorry' 6:59 - The 8 things you never should apologize for 8:31 - How to stop saying 'I'm Sorry'  9:39 - 3 things to say OTHER THAN 'I'm Sorry' 10:45 - Don't use this as a crutch   🗈 Show Notes 🗈 Ep. 20 Set Your Intentions w/ Lauren Lowrey   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 61: WHY ME? (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ep. 61: WHY ME? (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Why did I have to deal with that pain? Why did that traumatic loss happen to me? If you've ever asked the question WHY ME?!? this episode is definitely FOR YOU.  In this latest installment of '2 Words that will Change Your Life,' host Lauren Lowrey answers the question by highlighting our uniquely human need for meaning and how -when we've found it- research shows we live longer, happier lives. She walks you through her own steps to heal hurts and reframe the deepest of all questions [Why did this happen to -of all people- ME?!] to arrive at the answer you really seek.  Next time you ask the question WHY ME, Lauren's answer will ring clear in your mind 'because it had to BE YOU.' 💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You're having a really hard time in a situation where it seems the deck is stacked against you.You've held on to bitterness around an event and it continues to hold you backYou want healing but you aren't sure how to go about it   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren detailing a panic attack that started on TV in 2017. She explains the pain from that moment and how she felt victimized in a situation that left her asking 'Why ME?!?" Her experience with that question emerged again one year later after a life-threatening heart event in 2018 after the birth of her 2nd child. For the four years that followed, Lauren continued to ask the question 'WHY ME?!?" [5:00] Research around the uniquely human need for meaning. How an entirely new psycho-therapeutic theory sprung from Nazi concentration camps and what the doctor behind logotherapy behind discovered. Here's a hint: if we find meaning, we find hope; then we live longer.[7:37] How you 'll go about answering the question WHY ME?!? The steps you'll take to ensure you ask the right question and get the right answer [10:35] When you have the courage to heal pain and trauma, you put yourself right on the cusp of learning the motherload of information surrounding your purpose. It's a means to understanding the bigger picture.[12:21] Why it HAD TO BE you!   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - Lauren's nervous breakdown and the question, "WHY ME?!?" 2:15 - Lauren's heart event and the second time she asked, "WHY ME?!?" 3:36 - Why do this mini-series and (more specifically) this episode 5:00 - Man's theoretical search for meaning and it's impact on longevity 7:37 - How do we find the answer to "WHY ME?!?" (Heal first, then ask a different question) 9:27 - Deconstructing your pain from a 3rd person place 10:55 - How painful years led to purposeful creation in Lauren's life 12:21 - Why did that happen? Because it had to BE YOU!   🗈 Show Notes 🗈 Dr. Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning Logotherapy (Frankl's theory, "A will to meaning")   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube The AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 60: WHAT IF (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ep. 60: WHAT IF (2 Words that will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
WHAT IF you could change your $h!++y situation? WHAT IF you could change your reality? WHAT IF you could change your life? You can! It all starts with these two words: WHAT IF? In this installment of the mini-series Two Words that will Change Your Life, host Lauren Lowrey lays out a path to transformation. Before you ever make a choice, buy a book, or start a plan... you begin with imagination. Transformation starts when you allow yourself to imagine you have the power to change. We get there by asking 'WHAT IF?' You'll hear the latest research around the sheer power of your mind and its ability to shape reality. Then, Lauren walks you through what the research says about identifying the $h!++y parts of your life that need re-shaping. She helps you apply the WHAT IF? principles to make change -- all in less than 15 minutes! 💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You're at wit's end with a problem that just won't resolve. You have a sneaky suspicion there's more to this mindset stuff and you want to give it a try.You know something's off, but you need help identifying what that is.   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren detailing a new responsibility at work and how it threatened her views on the victim mindset. She uses her personal story to introduce and apply the principles of WHAT IF? [5:20] What is mindset? It's simply a set of assumptions that help us leverage our world. Beliefs that don't serve us lead to interpersonal problems, feeling of guilt, inadequacy, sadness, etc.[9:43] So how do you even change your mindset? Lauren shares how to identify the issues and how to apply the principles of WHAT IF?[12:20] Using WHAT IF? can bring healing, and in this part of the episode, Lauren shares a personal experience with applying the question and how it shaped a situation.    🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - Come on, Lauren! You're not a victim! 1:32 - Disrupting beliefs with 'WHAT IF?' 4:21 - This big shift is MINDSET 5:12 - What the research says about your mindset 7:00 - Drawing attention to the 'red flags' 7:37 - Actual findings from recent studies 9:43 - How to use WHAT IF? to change your mindset   12:20 - How mindset shifts bring healing   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube The AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 59: JUST ASK (2 Words that Will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ep. 59: JUST ASK (2 Words that Will Change Your Life) w/ Lauren Lowrey
Ready to make the impossible possible? Just ask. In this first installment of the AMPstigator mini-series "Two words that will change your life," host Lauren Lowrey explores what it means to just ask for what you need. This isn't about asking another person to shoulder the load. Nope. That isn't surrender. This episode gets you into a place of true, hands-up surrender - which only happens when we know we don’t have the answers, we can’t see the way forward and we don’t know if what’s to come is better or worse, we only know we can't continue the way we've been living.  Your path to surrender isn't in the DOING, but in the NON-DOING. Your next-level spiritual development is in letting go of the process and surrendering to something much greater than you. All you have to do is JUST ASK.   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You've been struggling with a big problem in your life that has felt insurmountable for far too long.You've tried every solution and the only thing left to do is surrender the problem.You have a mental block around anything to do with asking for help.   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren explaining how a frustrated 4-year old who wouldn't ask for help was the inspiration for this recording. She addresses the power of learning to ask for help and why surrender is the path to your greatest overcoming. Lauren walks you through the six main journalist questions (who, what, when, where, why & how) to convey a fuller understanding of why it's time for you to JUST ASK.   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:27 - Set-up to why you need to JUST ASK 2:27 - Here's why you're listening to this episode 3:13 - WHO? 4:27 - WHAT?  6:43 - WHEN? 9:03 - WHERE? 9:37 - WHY? 11:02 - HOW? 11:21 - Visualization   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube The AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 58: How to feel better w/ Katy Whalen
Ep. 58: How to feel better w/ Katy Whalen
Feel like crap? No libido? High stress? High anxiety? Before you fill the Rx for an anti-depressant, do me a favor, sis. and let's test your hormones. In this episode, Katy Whalen explains why your hormones are betraying you. So often it starts with racing thoughts, difficulty sleeping and an increase in anxiety. The walls slowly cave in and you find yourself saying "what is happening to me?!?" Katy explains how she discovered the hormonal changes in her own body and how she's built a company to help other women do the same. Simple hormone tests saved her from divorce. It's why she says her company 'saves marriages.' This is a conversation about controlling the physical things we can control and understanding when we get wacky, maybe it's the hormones.    💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You love learning the latest health data about hormones and your bodyYou've been feeling not-up-to-par physically and you're ready to do something about itYou need tangible, actionable advice on how to feel better.   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Lauren and Katy spelling out how we're supposed to feel when our hormones are in balance, compared to when they are not. Katy describes the hormonal changes in men and women as we age.  [8:30] What are estrogen and progesterone and what's the natural role they play in our bodies? What will we begin to notice when these two power hormones are out of balance?[17:05] Katy shares her personal experience with hormonal imbalances and how the problem almost led to her own divorce. It's why she says her company 'saves marriages.'[33:02] We learn the physical indicators your body's hormones are off-balance. What signs and symptoms do you  need to look out for? Plus, [36:54] Katy shares what the research says about how often you should be having sex for your happiness.   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:28 - Lauren's opening monologue 2:21 - How we're SUPPOSED to feel in our bodies, but the reality of stress 5:35 - What changes in your hormones in your late 30s, early 40s? 8:30 - Understanding the roles of estrogen and progesterone 10:52 - When do we start seeing a decline in these hormones? 14:15 - How hormone imbalances affect men 17:05 - How Katy's companies started from her personal crisis 22:09 - What tests do men and women need? 23:58 - What are peptides? 26:00 - Our healthcare needs to be personalized 28:12 - What changes for women as we age (a need for magnesium, fiber & protein) 31:52 - What stress does to your body 33:02 - Physical indicators your body is off-balance (itchy skin, frozen shoulder, moodiness, lethargy, weight gain around the midsection) 35:10 - What changes we might see in a man with hormone imbalances 36:54 - What's a normal amount of sex? (General happiness, once a week) 40:15 - Katy's life background before starting Joi Women's Wellness   44:12 - How to connect with Katy and her companies   ✔️ Show Notes✔️ Joi Women's Wellness Blokes (the brother company to Joi) The book Estrogen Matters Ep. 50: Think Even Bigger w/ Dr. Christina Rahm  (Apple | Spotify)    ✔️ Connect with Katy Whalen ✔️ Through her company, Joi Women's Wellness On her personal Instagram   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube The AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 57: Finding Spiritual Surrender w/ Cyntoia Brown-Long
Ep. 57: Finding Spiritual Surrender w/ Cyntoia Brown-Long
When things aren't working out, most of us white-knuckle the wheel and believe we can think our way out of the problem. This episode's guest is teaching you how to surrender. Cyntoia Brown-Long shares her UNBELIEVABLE testimony of being convicted of murder, trying to THINK her way out of prison, and then finding a level of spiritual surrender few of us ever reach.  After 15 total years behind bars, she walked out of prison a free woman in a totally IMPOSSIBLE situation where every door had closed. Her attorneys were baffled, but Cyntoia was not. She always knew she would be set free. How the heck did that happen? In this episode Cyntoia details a remarkable story of LETTING GO and LETTING GOD. Get ready for the unapologetically spiritual and inspirational conversation we all need right now.   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You love impossible endings to impossible stories You have a thirst for social justice that's quenched in conversations like these You were captivated by Cyntoia Brown-Long's rise to prominence in 2017 and 2018 when she was still in prison, and want to hear more details of her life out of prison  📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with host Lauren Lowrey describing the psychological cages we imprison ourselves in and juxtaposes that with Cyntoia's actual imprisonment. It allows Cyntoia to share her defiance (from Day 1) around serving a term of life in prison. [12:57] Cyntoia describes the 3 total years she spent in solitary confinement and how it 'broke' her mind. She details how she needed to learn to have conversations again. [28:38] How Cyntoia met her husband who completely changed her idea of spirituality. He reached out to her through a written letter to say 'you're getting out of prison.'[47:10] Cyntoia shares her prophetic dreams leading up to her release, detailing the nighttime release in the rain. It turned out to be exactly how she was let out of prison.     Plus, Cyntoia gushes about her new soap business [1:07:40] that helps teenagers in and out of the juvenile justice system.   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue 3:05 - Liberating yourself from a cage and the defiance needed 7:03 - Treating God as a genie in a bottle 9:03 - Cyntoia's last prayer before anger settled in 11:16 - Cyntoia's search for help through other religions 12:57 - She describes her 3 total years in solitary confinement 18:09 - Cyntoia's obsession with case law and desperation to get out of prison 22:49 - A denied appeal and the hope for clemency 25:55 - Cyntoia's devastation with the denied appeal 27:48 - The problem with THINKING your way out of the problem 28:38 - How Cyntoia met her husband and how he uncovered her spirituality 33:33 - The miracles that happened when Cyntoia started to believe 44:39 - The process to forgive Cyntoia's birth mom 47:10 - Cyntoia's prophetic dreams about seeing her prison release 51:36 - The song 'Thy Will' and why it speaks to Cyntoia 54:04 - Her deep respect for former Gov. Haslam 55:58 - Some people are here to cause calamity 57:59 - Cyntoia's prayer these days 1:00:08 - Cyntoia's life lesson (Surrender to God's plan, because it's way better than yours) 1:01:56 - Cyntoia councils teenagers in state custody 1:06:26 - Is a 2nd book on the way? 1:07:40 - Cyntoia and Lauren BOTH make homemade bar soap 1:13:13 - Surprise story! Lauren shares that she was supposed interview Cyntoia in 2019 after her release   ✔️ Show Notes✔️ JFAM - Cyntoia's foundation for Justice, Mercy and Freedom Lipscomb University LIFE program for inmates that gave Cyntoia her Bachelor's degree The PBS Documentary Me Facing Life where Cyntoia's husband first saw her story Sentencing Children (The Tennesseean's series) Thy Will by Hillary Scott Epic Girl an organization Cyntoia partners with for teens Soap & Water Organics, Cyntoia's soap company    ✔️ Connect with Cyntoia Brown Long ✔️ Read her book, Free Cyntoia Follow her on Instagram Buy her soap by clicking here   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube The AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 56: The 7 surprising things that happened when I started meditating 2hrs/day (w/ Lauren Lowrey)
Ep. 56: The 7 surprising things that happened when I started meditating 2hrs/day (w/ Lauren Lowrey)
I know what you're thinking: How the heck does she find 2 hours a day to meditate? In this solo-episode with the AMPstigator founder and host, Lauren shares her touch-and-go history as a non-meditator and what made her recently commit. She shares the striking words from multiple sources urging her to commit to stillness and who served as 'the final straw.' Lauren also walks you through the phenomenal benefits of meditation before finally sharing her list of 7 surprising things that happened when she began meditating 2hrs/day, just one month ago. Plus, during the recording, Lauren shares two more BONUS anomalies that popped into her mind, for a total of 9 things that have happened since she committed to consistent, daily meditation. In the end, she encourages you: when you meditate consistently, just wait for the shocking benefits to emerge.    💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You can't IMAGINE that it would be possible to cultivate this much stillness into a day.You want to know what amazing benefits Lauren has seen from her own stilling practicesYou need encouragement to get started meditating   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:29 - What to expect in this episode 1:26 - Lauren's touch-and-go history as a meditator 4:59 - Why Lauren decided to commit to 1-to-2 hours a day of meditation 5:59 - How Lauren started implementing daily stillness 7:19 - Lauren's recent solo retreat to up-the-ante 9:25 - Research backs me up on my commitment to meditation 10:53 - The 7 surprising things that started happening (#1, Not caring) 12:08 - #2, Detaching my nervous system from work 12:58 - #3, Yelling less 13:49 - #4,Getting everything done  15:04 - #5, More discernment 15:57 - #6, Actually RESTING 16:43 - #7, Seeing signs of confirmation  18:25 - TWO BONUSES (The sudden need for less & Simultaneous social growth) 19:58 - How you can start meditating   ✔️ Show Notes ✔️ Ep. 31 At What Cost? (Lauren details her hospitalizations) (Apple | Spotify) Insight Timer (the app Lauren uses for guided meditations)    ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️ On the AMPstigator website AMPstigator on Youtube The AMPstigator Instagram Lauren's Instagram
Ep. 54: We're NOT settling w/ intuitive business coach Amanda Marit
Ep. 54: We're NOT settling w/ intuitive business coach Amanda Marit
Are you ready for your greatest lesson (the one that totally pops paradigms around your rug-pulls, hardships and worst days)? In this episode, intuitive business coach Amanda Marit shows you how your disappointments are really just preparing you for what's next. If you know you're here to make a big impact on the world, Amanda will help awaken your best self then step into your future. Amanda walks you through how to identify the dream in your heart and play with the possibility that what you want is actually MEANT FOR YOU. Amanda teaches you how to listen to your intuition and even shares how to look for signs (because they'll start coming). Plus, this episode ends with an AMPstigator-exclusive visualization to help you welcome in your higher self. For repeated quick access, the visualization has also been separated as it's own episode, Ep. 55: Bonus Visualization for your highest path   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You need more instruction about manifestationYou know you're here to make an impact on the world but don't know where to startYou love people who give you permission to dream your big dreams   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with host Lauren Lowrey and intuitive business coach Amanda Marit talking through what's currently happening in the world, what it means to change timelines and why we need to listen to what we feel.  [11:00] What exactly does an intuitive business coach do and how is that different from a regular coach?[22:38] Not everyone feels like they're supposed to be doing something MORE with their life. But you do! So what do you do in that situation?[31:00] Yes, there's destiny. But HOW we get there is up to us. In this section, Amanda & Lauren go deep into co-creation and explain how powerful you really are![47:31] In order to become this bad-a$$ babe you see in your dreams, you need to align yourself with that reality. Amanda explains how to do that Amanda guides you through what to do next: how to align with that new version of you and how to ask to be shown clear next steps (b/c spoiler alert: SIGNS ARE GOING TO COME IN).  Plus, Amanda walks us through an impromptu visualization exercise [1:12:05] that you can come back to over and over again by streaming within this episode or separately in Ep. 55.   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue 2:37 - Stop hustling and take a breath 5:05 - Moving on a whim and changing our timelines 8:23 - Stop diminishing what you feel, start allowing and transmuting it 11:00 - What does Amanda do as an INTUITIVE coach? 12:30 - How Amanda came into this work (navigating personal rug-pulls & starting a healing journey) 19:42 - What is a "Light Worker?" 22:38 - What do do when you know you're meant to contribute in a bigger way 25:10 - When things fall apart, it's preparing you for what's next 31:00 - How we co-create (the relationship between destiny and co-creation) 38:05 - How Amanda helps people BECOME who they're meant to be 40:40 - Step 1: Breaking out of your own habits, patterns & routines 47:31 - Aligning yourself NOW to your future self (Morning Practice; how would it feel to live that life now?) 55:10 - Advice for how to NEVER doubt yourself and embody REAL CHANGE 58:00 - The lesson: WE'RE NOT SETTLING 1:08:00 - Understanding the Divine Feminine 1:12:05 - BONUS: Highest Path Visualization 1:19:30 - Lauren's closing monologue    ✔️ Connect with Amanda Marit ✔️ Connect on her website Connect on Instagram   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 53: Life IS incongruent w/ Dr. Melanie Hicks
Ep. 53: Life IS incongruent w/ Dr. Melanie Hicks
What do you do when your life looks totally different than you think it should? Judge yourself? Go to therapy? Start traveling around the world? Do deep inner work? Write a book about it? Dr. Melanie Hicks did all of those things. In this episode of AMPstigator, Dr. Hicks shares more on her two failed marriages in her 20s, domestic abuse, a traumatic sexual assault in her 30s, and losing the ability to have children. She shares the deep inner work required to shrug off the weight of expectation and live her life, free of judgement, even though it looks totally different than the norm. She shares her life lessons (many of which were learned while staring out airplane windows), exposing her deepest secrets while exploring countries both near and far. This is the conversation every 30-something woman wished they heard at age 19. But then again, would we have listened? **Trigger Warning: if you've been a victim of assault or abuse, this conversation may be difficult to hear.**   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You love candid and authentic conversations between women who choose to share their past traumas to help others heal.You thought you were alone in your experience with abuse or assault.You want to hear a story of hope and healing from a woman who's found love from a place of wholeness  📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with host Lauren Lowrey asking Dr. Melanie Hicks why she chose to share such difficult experiences so publicly. Together, they weave through the most difficult story Melanie ever had to write: the one where she shared her sexual assault. [5:18] Mel shares why it took her 6 years to tell ANYONE, even one of her closest friends, that she had been sexually assaulted.[11:57] Mel and host Lauren Lowrey both share their traumas around domestic abuse (*Trigger warning*)[21:20] There's a fallacy around searching for your 'other half.' Dr. Melanie shares the moment she decided she was a WHOLE PERSON all by herself and she would never seek out a relationship to make her whole.[37:29] How travel ignited personal growth for Dr. Mel as she hopped from continent to continent. Plus, Dr. Mel shares how she developed a healthy romantic relationship with another healthy, whole person [51:50] and lays out her two rules in her own marriage.   🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue 3:20 - Why share the hardest parts of your life in a book? 5:18 - Sexual assault and the trauma it caused Dr. Mel 11:57 - Host Lauren Lowrey & Dr. Mel both share their personal experiences with domestic abuse 17:15 - When Dr. Mel made the choice to share the traumas through the book 21:20 - The fallacy of searching for your 'other half' 24:12 - Arriving at 'surrender' (#openpalms) 27:16 - "No one can give you directions to places they've never been." 30:10 - How Mel helps people amplify the messages of other people 33:02 - The duality: professional life on fire, personal life in tatters 37:29 - How travel ignited growth for Dr. Mel 42:00 - Why Nepal is so magical for Mel 44:20 - Dr. Mel's stilling practices to help her clear her mind 46:33 - The significance of the book title "Incongruent" 51:50 - Healthy, whole romantic relationships in adulthood 57:30 - How Dr. Mel does pro bono work for international service organizations 1:00:17 - Her recent work in Sierra Leone   ✔️ Show Notes✔️ Incongruent: Travel, trauma, transformation, by Dr. Melanie Hicks    ✔️ Connect with Dr. Melanie Hicks ✔️ Connect on her website Connect on LinkedIn   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 52: Find your VOICE w/ Katelyn Drye
Ep. 52: Find your VOICE w/ Katelyn Drye
What happens when you shed the skin of expectation and boldly define your feelings in the most raw and honest way possible? Well, that's when you'd become a Nashville songwriter! Katelyn Drye is one-half of The Dryes. She and her husband Derek are a singing/songwriting duo in Nashville. On this second AMPstigator appearance, Katelyn talks through what's changed in her life and the impact her own personal development has had on the depth of the music she's helping to write. This conversation does a deep-dive behind the scenes of their recent stint on NBC's The Voice, the Nashville music industry and what it's like preparing for their upcoming concert tour with Jo Dee Messina. At their core, The Dryes write music that cuts through to connect with people and gives words to the deepest emotions. Katelyn shows her faith and feelings in this follow-up conversation, one year later.   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You love getting an inside look into the music industryYou followed The Dryes on The Voice in 2022 and you want to know Katelyn betterYou're looking for an uplifting conversation about hope and following dreams  📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with a deep-dive, peek-behind-the-curtain from NBC's The Voice. Katelyn & Derek Drye received national prominence during their multiple appearances and inclusion on Team Blake. [3:50] Katelyn shares how The Voice producers asked them to be on the show for two prior seasons and both times The Dryes turned them down! Katelyn describes the events leading up to the show's third request and why The Dryes said YES![19:08] A long-time dream is about to come true for The Dryes: they'll open multiple tour stops for a recording artist. They currently have 12 dates with Jo Dee Messina. Katelyn shares how Jo Dee invited them on the road.[34:20] The music industry can be really confusing. Katelyn and Lauren break down what people outside of Nashville often don't know. Plus,  Plus, Lauren shares a recent dream she had about Katelyn & Derek and why she's counting the days until it comes true.    🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue 2:50 - Katelyn's baaaack! 3:50 - The Dryes' turned down The Voice TWICE 6:30 - How people choose songs for The Voice 8:05 - Katelyn's worn one of Dolly Parton's ACTUAL wigs 10:10 - Walking on stage and being with Blake Shelton 13:25 - What's come from being on the show (concert impacts) 15:05 - Hard things make you STRONG 19:08 - How they found out they were going on tour 22:25 - The plan for performances while they're on tour 23:54 - Lauren's prophetic dream about The Dryes 27:40 - Knowing your purpose in your heart of hearts 28:38 - What emotion is coming out in The Dryes' songwriting lately 32:15 - Other upcoming things in 2023 for The Dryes 34:20 - What's the deal with publishing deals and songwriting cuts? 40:18 - "We grow every year"  44:35 - Who The Dryes write music for   ✔️ Show Notes✔️ Ep. 15 with Katelyn and Derek Drye The Dryes "Dolly Would" Hailey Whitters, "Ten Year Town"    ✔️ Connect with Katelyn Drye ✔️ Connect on their website The Dryes Connect on Instagram   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 51: Stress Less w/ Rosa Castano
Ep. 51: Stress Less w/ Rosa Castano
We're overwhelmed, stressed and heading toward burnout. Who wants to live that way?!? NOBODY! In this episode, stress expert Rosa Castano shares how you can identify, address and overcome your chronic stress and create a stronger foundation of wellness for yourself. Rosa is a certified meditation, mindfulness and movement teacher. She combined her extensive background in international sales and start-ups to create stress management how-to’s for companies and teaches them to overwhelmed employees. She's bringing her best tips and how-to's to help you enhance your well-being and prevent burnout. It's an episode you'll be grateful for - where you remind yourself to STRESS LESS.   💥 This episode is for you if 💥 Your crushing, chronic stress load is steering you toward burnoutYou're often overwhelmed and you don't know how to make it better You need ideas on how to create mindful moments that reduce stress     📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Rosa answering the question 'what is the state of stress in the workforce?' She details where the word 'burnout' comes from and how long we've been battling chronic stress at work. Spoiler alert: Hustle culture is killing us [6:18]. [8:18] We're familiar with fight-or-flight, but Rosa shares the 6 Stress Styles to help you understand how stress is showing up throughout your day - even in places you don't realize.[17:16] How do you manage and reduce chronic stress? In this section Rosa shares effective, yet simple practices you can start doing now to help![25:45] What happens to your body when it's under chronic stress? Lauren and Rosa tag-team this part of the convo as they both share just how detrimental it can be  Plus, [51:04] Lauren shares the real-time question she has to ask herself before putting ANYTHING in her calendar, all in an attempt to AVOID stress.    🔖 Chapters 🔖  0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue 3:34 - Rosa calibrates us to the state of stress in the workforce 6:18 - Hustle culture is killing us 8:18 - The 6 styles of stress 11:30 - Stress Audit: Recognizing stress triggers in your daily life 17:16 - Implementing practices that manage and mitigate stress 25:45 - The responses Rosa hears from people in the workplace 31:40 - Newsflash: your employees aren't engaged 35:18 - How kids play into present-moment awareness 39:06 - Rosa's background in the corporate world & startups 43:15 - COVID was a gift for Lauren 51:04 - Does this give me a healthier outcome? 54:07 - The actual definition of mindfulness 55:38 - Science of visualization 56:15 - Increase the space in the pause   ✔️ Show Notes✔️ Atomic Habits, by James Clear Michael Franti lyric "The more I see, the less I know" (Song: Say hey I love you) Ep. 48: Mental Health Matters (w/ Lauren's therapist, Tonia Dixon) Michael Singer's books, The Untethered Soul and Living Untethered    ✔️ Connect with Rosa Castano ✔️ On her WellbeingWithRosa InstagramOn her website   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 50: Think. Even. Bigger. w/ Dr. Christina Rahm
Ep. 50: Think. Even. Bigger. w/ Dr. Christina Rahm
Our food lacks nutrition. Our bodies can't detoxify. The Earth is sick. So what do we do about it?!? Dr. Christina Rahm has a plan. In this inspiring episode, Dr. Rahm shares how her work in the pharmaceutical industry ignited a passion for healing people naturally. Her work evolved to include an environmental mission, makeup and skincare, a fashion line and a new dream to launch a way to educate people how to ACTUALLY heal their bodies. She's the most educated and accomplished woman you'll likely ever meet, with multiple doctorates and advanced degrees. She owns 14 companies and holds multiple patents - all with one goal in mind: how do we make our bodies and our Earth healthy? Get ready for an enlightening, power-packed episode that sounds like girl-talk between two brainy gal-pals.  💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You absolutely geek-out on research about the body, it's cells and how to be healthy. You're into whole body wellness and you're eager to hear from a pioneer in the field.You see the sickness of our planet and want to connect with someone who's doing something about it.   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  The episode begins with Dr. Christina Rahm explaining her devastating and life-threatening diagnoses in her twenties. She endured cancer and the loss of children. Both nearly killed her. She shares how she committed in that moment “to do as much as I can if I have the opportunity to LIVE." [16:47] Dr. Rahm shares her work in the pharmaceutical industry and explains why we never see any beneficial research about natural remedies. It's what spurred her to start Root Brands, a wellness supplement company that addresses the root causes of disease.[33:08] Dr. Rahm does a deep dive into why our food is lacking nutrition. She shares her plans to detoxify the land, air and water to begin [40:40] healing the Earth.[43:18] Dr. Rahm shares with Lauren how she manifests and the importance of her prayer-and-meditation practices. This is a life-giving section that will inspire and encourage. Plus, like any good girl-talk, [55:33] Dr. Rahm circles back around to the importance of her spirituality.    🔖 Chapters 🔖  0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue 4:36 - What drives Dr. Rahm to do everything she's done 8:45 - Dr. Rahm explains the power in natural remedies 10:18 - She made a decision in what should've been an end-of-life experience 11:15 - Who helped her get to this level of creation and output? 16:47 - How her pharmaceutical research spawned her wellness company 21:18 - Dr. Rahm: 'We all could live longer than 120 years' 24:30 - Why do we think pharmaceuticals are the only things that work? 26:19 - The failure of our medical system 30:04 - When Dr. Rahm started getting attacked for her ideas 33:08 - The food we eat is sorely lacking in nutrition 38:50 - Dr. Rahm wants to educate people how and when to balance natural and medical approaches 40:40 - How do we heal the Earth? 43:18 - **Dr. Rahm's ability to envision and speak things into existence** 51:15 - The sheer amount of toxic things that are absorbed through the skin 55:33 - The benefits of prayer and meditation for Dr. Rahm 59:50 - What lesson is Dr. Rahm learning RIGHT NOW? Love without expectation.   ✔️ Show Notes✔️ Root Wellness: Clean Slate (detoxify the body)   ✔️ Connect with Dr. Christina Rahm ✔️ Connect through InstagramOn her websiteThrough her artistic pursuits: Under the Red Chandelier   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 49: The Problem with your beliefs (w/ Lauren Lowrey)
Ep. 49: The Problem with your beliefs (w/ Lauren Lowrey)
This episode will make you think twice before you say 'it's my truth.' Because... what if your truth is wrong? In this episode, host Lauren Lowrey highlights her own incorrect, unconscious and unhealthy belief around a tiny-little-4-letter-word and how she's working to combat it. She teaches you the questions to ask to root-out belief systems that aren't serving you. Plus, learn the science behind changing how you think as Lauren shares how she's applying it to herself. 💥 This episode is for you if 💥- You find yourself hitting the same walls (repeatedly) in your personal growth journey - You see unhealthy beliefs in other people, but you need help seeing them in yourself - You want to learn how to rewire your brain to change old, unhealthy patterns   📺What you'll hear in this episode📺This episode begins with Lauren fleshing out the situation around our personal blindness. We can see others so clearly, but we rarely see ourselves. That part takes REAL work.  [4:55] Lauren walks you through how we build unconscious belief systems and explains the one she's working through right now. [10:48] What does the research say around creating and changing belief systems? First, we have to understand how beliefs are created, neurologically.[13:21] Lauren details exactly how she intends to rewire her unconscious beliefs.     🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:29 - Fleshing out the problem 2:00 - We all have blindness when it comes to self 4:55 - We build unconscious belief systems around lies 6:36 - Stop and smell the roses 9:13 - What belief system do you have that's just plain wrong? 10:48 - How do you change your beliefs? Change your pathways! 12:43 - How long does that actually take? 13:21 - How will Lauren spend rewiring this issue?    ✔️ Show Notes✔️ I want the Mantra Maker and Mirror worksheets! Email or DM "MANTRA MAKER" on InstagramThe backstory of how Lauren got sick and what she learned (Spotify | Apple)   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 48: Mental Health Matters w/ Tonia Dixon, LPC
Ep. 48: Mental Health Matters w/ Tonia Dixon, LPC
You can't truly know a person until you meet their therapist (LOL). In this week's episode, host Lauren Lowrey introduces you to Tonia Dixon, LPC -- the woman who helped Lauren heal the trauma of her hospitalizations in August. Hear Tonia describe the latest trends in mental wellness, what has surprised her in the last 5 years of client work, and why she doesn't think athletes get a fair shake. Be INSPIRED to set your boundaries around work and learn to include yourself in your schedule. Tonia has spent decades listening to others but the tables have turned as we listen to her talk about her work helping professional athletes, military members and people of all backgrounds find peace and purpose.  💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You find yourself working long, hard days and are looking for suggestions on how to cut it off and protect your peace.You’re curious about going to therapy and want some insight into the trends seen in the profession as our world keeps changing. You need help overcoming the guilt of taking care of yourself You think it's so cool that Tonia is a former NFL cheerleader and now a Hall of Fame mental health provider 📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  This episode begins with Tonia describing how necessary it is to practice what she preaches. She details how she protects her own mental health despite hearing difficult things from people throughout the week. [13:47] Given her background as an NFL cheerleader, Tonia explains her clinical interest in athletes, saying they 'don't get a fair shake.' She describes that when a person excels in any athletic pursuit - even if it's just through high school - they must be taught how to apply that need to move energy in adulthood. It's so much more than physical! [26:59] Tonia describes her delicate but strong ability to have mindful moments. She teaches you the grounding practices that take mere seconds to implement and the messages it sends to the body.  [42:03] Tonia talks about the trends she's seen emerge in the last five years, specifically that she's seen high-functioning people begin to really struggle in a way she had only previously seen in populations with severe and persistent mental illness.[46:14] Hear how Tonia masterfully carves up her day to make sure she never OVER-works herself. She explains her cut-off times, how many hours a day she works and how she maintains her own balance. Plus, [50:15] she gives you the tips on how to NEVER feel guilty for taking care of yourself.    🔖 Chapters 🔖 0:30 - Lauren's opening monologue and background on why she started seeing Tonia 4:08 - How Tonia practices her message every day 7:01 - Tonia's background in listening 8:08 - To feel is to be human. To be human is to change. 10:55 - Tonia was an NFL cheerleader?!? 13:47 - Her clinical interest in athletes 17:15 - The commonalities between athletes and soldiers 23:10 - The error in calling things "good" or "bad" 24:36 - Tonia's lesson right now: you never know what you're gonna get 26:59 - The power in mindful moments 33:25 - The opposite of a serious mental health crisis is a high functioning adult who needs help 39:14 - The trends have changed in the last 5 years 42:03 - How civilization and society shape us 46:14 - How Tonia carves her day in a way that allows for space 50:15 - Overcoming feeling guilty for taking care of yourself 55:51 - What's up next on AMPstigator    ✔️ Show Notes✔️Ep. 31 "At What Cost" where Lauren details her hospitalizations in August Ep. 23 Clara Belden is "The Untitled" (the person who first set up Lauren with Tonia) The Happy Hour, a mental wellness studio where Lauren sees Tonia   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram
Ep. 47: How Creativity Heals w/ J.T. Ellison
Ep. 47: How Creativity Heals w/ J.T. Ellison
Being a published author 25 times, those on the outside saw J.T. Ellison as the definition of success. Internally, she was painfully (and repeatedly) struggling with personal tragedy. Driven by a years-long battle with loss and infertility, J.T. channeled that energy into her 25th published book (It's One of Us, released Feb. 21st, 2023) – in what she calls the most important work she’s ever done. It’s not the typical subject matter you’d expect from a thriller novel because J.T. isn’t your typical thriller writer. 💥 This episode is for you if 💥 You’re looking for new perspective on an internal struggle - for you or someone you loveYou feel like just when one thing in your life is taking off, something else is falling apartYou’re looking for a new thriller to read and the subjects of loss, lies and a killer on the loose sounds fascinating   📺 What you'll hear in this episode📺  This episode begins with J.T. admitting her art was imitating her life in her new novel, It's One of Us. She shares how she was finally ready to face that reality on the page.  [10:30] J.T. opens up about her personal journey with infertility and what was going on behind closed doors while she was experiencing such enormous success in her career. [22:00] Don’t call it therapeutic. JT had to relive her pain to write a book that so closely mirrored her own life. But the book isn’t a downer – it’ll make you ask yourself 'what would you do in this crazy situation the main character finds herself in?' [32:45] J.T. has a lesson for creatives who start finding their own success and what it may mean for them in their personal life and relationships.[37:45] One of our favorite quotes from J.T. is around the power of what you say. "Words are powerful and you can talk yourself into a failed career with how you treat your work," says Ellison.    🔖 Chapters 🔖 2:41 - The inspiration for her new book, It's One of Us 6:05 - Why it took nearly 10 years to write and release this book 10:30 - J.T.'s miscarriages 12:20 - Parallel paths (success & tragedy) 17:18 - How the pain showed up in earlier characters 18:01 - The emotion of infertility 22:00 - Reliving the pain to bring characters to life 24:17 - It's a story of 'what would you do?' 26:35 - How J.T. got her start as a writer 29:55 - How J.T. started writing thrillers 32:48 - J.T.'s boundaries around writing 36:20 - What's the lesson? Remember the joy 37:30 - Be present. Be positive. 40:30 - Why this is her most important work 43:25 - What J.T. hopes will happen with this book 46:30 - Not caring about others' opinions 52:41 - Coming up next week    ✔️ Connect with J.T. Ellison✔️On Instagram through her personal page Her website Buy her newest novel, It's One of Us   ✔️ Connect with Lauren Lowrey ✔️On the AMPstigator websiteAMPstigator on YoutubeThe AMPstigator InstagramLauren's Instagram