episode 09: life, trauma, and quitting the hospital bedside

Birth and Beyond

13-06-2023 • 1時間

This episode was quite the emotional ride. Recorded in two parts because we had to take a small technical pause, Anna and Lily sit down and talk over a glass of wine about what it's like working as nurses in impactful settings like the pediatric emergency and trauma department they worked in together, as well as the maternity unit in a high-acuity hospital. We get really raw about how seeing worse case scenarios on a regular basis has impacted our mental health as mothers, and how we have coped with it, and ultimately made the decision to leave the hospital setting. This was an extremely emotional episode, and so hard to even record, but we did it so that even just one person can feel less alone after going through something similar. Please remember to listen with caution if you are currently pregnant or postpartum and do not wish to hear about emergency scenarios/death.