CBD for Autism

My Autism Tribe

15-05-2020 • 33分


With guest Dr. Rachna Patel


Hi, everyone! First and foremost, I want to thank everyone out there who has been patient with me these last couple of months. It turns out that working a 9-5 job, homeschooling my son, and running a nonprofit with these podcasts is a lot harder than I thought. Just know, that I’m doing my very best to bring you the most relevant information, from people within the autism community, to the best of my ability.

Today, I’m speaking with Dr. Patel, who is a world-recognized expert in the field of Cannabinoid Medicine. CBD is something that we hear about all the time, but maybe perhaps, we still have very limited knowledge on. Stay tuned to hear Dr. Patel share information on CBD products, what to expect when using CBD products, while also dispelling some of our fears that we may have. Thanks for listening!


I’ve personally looked into CBD products, not only for myself, but also for my son. I’ve had conversations with many families on their use of CBD. Dr. Patel is with a company called Doc Patels, a company that produces CBD products made from industrial hemp plants derived on American farms which produce 100% 0.00% THC Broad Spectrum CBD products through their patented process. Their team of 30 engineers, scientists, a psychiatrist and even a dentist, along with their manufacturing partner, consist of Doc Patels. Let’s welcome Dr. Patel to our show.


As families are looking for natural, healthy ways to help their loved ones, and even themselves, I hope you find this information helpful in your decision-making process. Every path is different, but whatever path you choose, know that we are here to support you along the way. Thanks so much for listening, and I’ll talk to you soon!

