A Conversation with my Son

My Autism Tribe

15-04-2020 • 5分



Hi everyone! Welcome to this week’s podcast. Hope you guys are hanging in there and staying healthy. I’ve definitely had small moments of anxiety these last several weeks, but am trying to stay positive and trying to keep a routine as much as possible. As many of you, I’m working my 9-5 job from home, while homeschooling my son, and producing this podcast. The last couple of episodes, you might have even heard my son in the background as I’ve been recording from my kitchen table instead of my makeshift and more sound-proof studio off of my bedroom, otherwise known as a closet. Lots of glamour here folks. Try to remain calm. So, as I’ve recorded these podcasts out in the open, my son has become more and more curious as to what in the world I’ve been doing. We’ve had our own little recording sessions with the microphone where he sings his favorite song, talks in different cartoon voices. It’s super cute, and so I thought I might try to actually interview him, and I use the word “interview” extremely loosely. So, bear with us, and thanks for listening!


There was a point in time where I didn’t know if I would ever truly know my son’s voice. I remember actually walking through a store one time and hearing a parent tell their child to shut up, and it took every ounce of mama bear energy in me to not go over to them and tell them our family’s story. And maybe I should, but I didn’t. Instead, my heart broke knowing that I would do absolutely anything to hear my son say anything, and here was this parent telling their child they didn’t want to hear what they had to say. Anyway, as I’ve said before, the My Autism Tribe platform was started because I made a promise to my son that I would be his voice and that voice I wanted to become stronger. Fast forward several years later, and my son is speaking, and there hasn’t been one time…I don’t exaggerate, not ONE time where I wished that he would not speak. His voice is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, and so without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to my son, Alex.

Hi, honey. I thought that maybe everyone would like to get to know you better, so I’m going to ask you some questions, ok?

  • What’s your name? Alex
  • What’s your favorite color? Red
  • What’s your favorite food? Bacon
  • Do you have a favorite dinosaur? Brachiosaurus
  • Who’s my favorite boy in the whole world? Me
  • Would you like to sing a song? What about that song that you made up the other day? The Scoop song? (sings)


Thank you for sharing this experience with me. I know this isn’t the lengthy podcast that I’m used to doing, but I thought, “Why not? Why not take advantage of this quarantine to do something that is new?” Thank you for sharing this special moment with me, and for listening to the sweet sound of my son’s voice. A sound that I will never once take for granted, but will do my best to make stronger. I hope everyone out there is staying healthy at home. Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you next week!