Our guest for episode Ep 11 of Finding Community is Cameron Whitten, CEO of Brown Hope, a once all-volunteer nonprofit he founded in 2018 which now boasts over a dozen staff and manages the Black Resilience Fund, Blackstreet Bakery, and a variety of other programs. Cameron talks candidly about his own journey and experiences with racism and trauma, and offers insight on healing trauma, the effects of the pandemic, the murder of George Floyd, and the subsequent racial justice movement. He explains how Brown Hope is creating a healing community for racial justice, and he shares a powerful message of love and hope.
Transcripts available here:
https://bit.ly/Ep11_TranscriptsLearn more about Brown Hope at
www.brownhope.orgLearn more about VAN and our initiatives:
https://www.visionactionnetwork.orghttps://www.facebook.com/VisionActionNetwork/https://www.instagram.com/visionactionnetwork/This episode was produced by Glenn Montgomery for Vision Action Network. Our audio editor and music producer is Mandana Khoshnevisan. Music by Choro da Alegria. Post-production by Jenny Moore.