Day Three - Dry Land And Plant Life Discussion

HBS & DwJ Podcast

15-04-2020 • 25分

Our Scripture Of The Week Is:

Hebrews 11:1 KJVS
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

This often-quoted verse gives a direct definition of faith, meant to be read in the context of the rest of this letter.

At the end of chapter 10, the writer of Hebrews finished describing why the new covenant in Jesus Christ was superior to the old covenant of animal sacrifices (Hebrews 10:1–18).

This concluded with a reassuring reminder not to "shrink back," but to "have faith" (Hebrews 10:39).

The definition given here is meant to tie this command to the examples given later on.

After this verse, the writer will explain how the actions of various biblical figures proved both the existence and validity of their faith.

Those contexts—former evidence and future expectation—are essential when interpreting the meaning of these words.

In the following verses, the writer of Hebrews will point out examples of believers who demonstrated real, saving faith in God.

Each example of faith demonstrates trust, based on what that person knew and held as reassurance that God would act according to His promises.

The "assurance" and "conviction" of faith is not blind belief, or gullibility, or wishful thinking.

Study of the various characters mentioned in this chapter shows that they all had good reasons to trust in God.

Their "faith" was not naively accepting fairy tales; it was acting in full confidence that God would do as He had promised, based on those experiences.

As the rest of this chapter demonstrates, that kind of faith—trust which produces obedience—results in God's blessings and approval.

Our perspective, looking back on their example, should inspire confidence that God will make good on His promises, even if our earthly lives don't last long enough to see them come to fruition.

God "creates" out of things we cannot see—both in a literal, physical sense, as well as a spiritual sense.

Just because we don't understand how God will act does not mean He cannot, or will not act.

We will now get into today’s discussion:

On the third day of creation God separated land and sea.
He caused the dry land to appear.

God also created vegetation on the third day.

The creation must have begun to take on a beauty and majesty.

The creation of our world was done in an orderly fashion leading up to its completion.

God was building a beautiful and healthy place that would eventually be ready for humanity.

Have you ever thought about what the appearance of dry land would have involved?

Mountains, valleys, boulders, springs, rivers, waterfalls, caves, beaches, gravel, clay, sand.

Well the list goes on and on.

Every time we take a step we can remember the power of an awesome God.

With the formation of land the water could now begin the cycles of evaporation and condensation.

Not only was the creation of plants miraculous.

It is a wonderful miracle of God that each living plant was created in such a way that it could reproduce itself through seeds, pollination, etc.

Think of all of the things associated with vegetation: roots, stems, leaves, grass, pollen, bark, vines, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, flowers, oxygen, etc.

Think of the smells and colours that existed by the end of the third day.

There is often discussion as to whether or not the seven days of creation were literal days as we know twenty-four hour days.

One thought from the third day is that plants need the sun to survive.

How many hours do you think they could have survived until the sun was created on day four?

What else can we discuss involving Dry Land And Plant Life?


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