Episode #3: How to Heal Your Symptom

The Energy Healing Podcast with Dr. Katharina Johnson

12-06-2018 • 27分

When you experience a symptom, the natural tendency is to want to get rid of it, and “fight it”. This approach does nothing to bring your body back into balance and harmony, as healing means “to make whole again”.

In this episode, Katharina will help you to get a broader understanding of what your symptom really is and will show you ways to connect with your intuition and body.

Learning to understand what your body is trying to communicate to you and uncovering the hidden meaning of your symptoms is one of the most important steps you can take to start healing.

​Biggest Takeaways:

  • Through the symptoms, your body is trying to communicate a deeper imbalance to you. Since your body is governed by the subconscious mind, which in turn is governed by the soul, your symptom is always an attempt of your soul to alert you to an imbalance within yourself.
  • The symptom is often symbolic in nature
  • When you connect to yourself and your symptom and give it a “voice”, you can learn to understand its deeper meaning and message.
  • See the symptom as a friend, who delivers an important message to you. You can imagine your symptom sitting across you and having a conversation with you. Automatic writing and expressing the symptoms through drawings and paintings are also good methods.
  • Giving the symptom love and not pushing it away, is something you can always do to bring wholeness and healing to your body.


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