The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

Spiritual Sunshine

12-02-2023 • 24分

The sages are largely consistent with the assertion that we are love itself and so is God. Indeed, they describe how a separation between the love that we are and the love that God is doesn’t exist, although we may often feel or believe this way. Our tendency to get invested in our sense of having a limited form, a limited story, a limited way of thinking and observing of “outside things” keeps us from seeing this truth. The thing that sees these seeming limitations is not itself limited, and how do we know it is not a shared “field of consciousness”? We are one in God – this is also the truth we hear from Jesus Christ. And yet, even knowing this, when we hear the famous Christian Biblical quote of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life,” we interpret it from a place of division, believing that the “only Son” that we are to believe in is elsewhere and not already within us, as the love at our core.


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