Episode 539: Colorado Governor Signs Election Administration Bill with Amendment Neutralizing an Open Primary and RCV Initiative; Promises Future Action

American Democracy Minute

09-06-2024 • 1分

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 10, 2024

Colorado Governor Signs Election Administration Bill with Amendment Neutralizing an Open Primary and RCV Initiative; Promises Future Action
Colorado’s governor signed a bill June 6th implementing several election administration changes which local election officials supported.  But a late amendment may have neutralized an open primary and ranked choice voting initiative before the voters in November.

To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Colorado Sun - If voters adopt statewide ranked choice voting, Colorado may prevent it from taking effect
Colorado Sun - Colorado governor signs bill that would prevent voter-adopted statewide ranked choice voting from taking effect

Colorado Legislature - SB24-210 Summary
Colorado Secretary of State - Ballot initiative language
BallotPedia - Colorado Top-Four Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2024)

Groups Taking Action:
Colorado Voters First, Open Primaries, Ranked Choice Voting for Colorado

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