Episode 543: NH Voter Suppression Bill Eliminates Sworn Affidavits for Voter Registration, Demanding Citizenship Documents for Otherwise Qualified Voters. It Could Disenfranchise Thousands.

American Democracy Minute

13-06-2024 • 1分

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 14, 2024

NH Voter Suppression Bill Eliminates Sworn Affidavits for Voter Registration, Demanding Citizenship Documents for Otherwise Qualified Voters. It Could Disenfranchise Thousands.
A voter suppression bill aimed at students and younger voters in New Hampshire has moved forward in the state’s legislature.  It requires proof of citizenship papers from every registering voter, and could disenfranchise thousands.

To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
NH General Court - HB 1569 Text
Democracy Docket - New Hampshire Republicans Pass Bill Removing Exceptions to Voter ID Requirement
NH Public Radio - NH Senate backs stricter proof of eligibility rules for new voters
New Hampshire Bulletin - Secretary of state predicts ‘challenges,’ litigation if voter ID bill becomes law
Indepth NH - Voting Rights Groups Confront Scanlan for His Take on Proposed Voting Legislation
Bolts Magazine - New Hampshire Republicans Try to Require Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote
Brennan Center for Justice - Millions of Americans Don’t Have Documents Proving Their Citizenship Readily Available

Groups Taking Action:

Open Democracy Action, League of Women Voters NH, ACLU NH, Kent Street Coalition, 603Forward

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