Episode 545: The Feds Warned States to Harden Election Infrastructure. The U.S. House Appropriations Committee Just Eliminated the Election Security Grant Funding to Help States to Do It

American Democracy Minute

17-06-2024 • 1分

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 18, 2024

The Feds Warned States to Harden Election Infrastructure. The U.S. House Appropriations Committee Just Eliminated the Election Security Grant Funding to Help States to Do It

Yesterday, we reported on government warnings of foreign election interference by Russia and other actors.   But after years of GOP demands for “election integrity” reforms, majority members of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee last week eliminated election security funding from the 2025 budget.

Today's Script

(Variations occur with audio due to editing for time. Today’s Links below the script)

To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Brennan Center for Justice - (2019 Report) - Defending Elections: Federal Funding Needs for State Election Security
Brennan Center for Justice - Securing the 2024 Election
States Newsroom via West Virginia Watch - States struggle with unreliable federal funding for making sure elections are secure
USA Today - (Opinion) Republicans wail about secure elections while slashing funding for election security
Cyberscoop - House Republicans propose eliminating funding for election security
U.S. Election Assistance Commission - Election Security Preparedness
Issue One - Securing 2024: Defending US Elections through Investment and Reform

Groups Taking Action:
Brennan Center for Justice, Issue One, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

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