Episode 538: Why Was Joe Biden’s Appearance on the Ohio Ballot in Question? Partisan Politics, and Another Attempt to Derail Citizen Ballot Initiatives.

American Democracy Minute

06-06-2024 • 1分

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 6, 2024

Why Was Joe Biden’s Appearance on the Ohio Ballot in Question?  Partisan Politics, and Another Attempt to Derail Citizen Ballot Initiatives.
Ohio has an Aug. 7th deadline for November’s candidate registration.  Problem is, Joe Biden wasn’t going to be nominated until the Democratic convention beginning Aug. 19th.   What’s an Ohio legislature to do?  Try and stop citizen ballot initiatives, of course.

To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Ohio Capital Journal -  (Commentary) An obscure provision of Ohio law could keep Biden off the ballot in November
Ohio Capital Journal - Ohio legislative leaders say Biden ballot fix won’t happen through lawmakers
Ohio Capital Journal - Ohio House agrees to Biden ballot fix compromise if ‘anti-democratic’ Senate provisions removed
CBS News - (2023) Ohio's 2023 abortion fight cost campaigns $70 million
Associated Press - Ohio’s Republican governor signs measure ensuring Biden appears on the fall ballot
BallotPedia - Ohio 2024 Ballot Measures

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