Episode 542: FL Voters Decide Nov. 5th Whether to Keep Their Small Donor Matching Program, or Turn Funding of Campaigns Over to Special Interests

American Democracy Minute

12-06-2024 • 1分

The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for June 13, 2024

FL Voters Decide Nov. 5th Whether to Keep Their Small Donor Matching Program, or Turn Funding of Campaigns Over to Special Interests
Amendment 6, a repeal of Florida’s public funding of elections option, faces voters on November 5th.  Such small donor matching systems help candidates outside the political machine structure to compete, and can help limit special interest influence.

To view the whole script of today’s report, please go to our website.

Today’s Links

Articles & Resources:
Florida Phoenix - Do FL voters want to repeal public financing of statewide elections for governor, Cabinet members?
Florida Div. of Elections - 2022 Public Campaign Financing Matching Funds Handbook
Florida Div. of Elections - Public Campaign Finance - Matching Funds Program
BallotPedia - Florida Amendment 6, Repeal of Public Financing for Statewide Campaigns Amendment (2024)
Miami Herald - What you need to know about Florida’s Amendment 6, the campaign finance ballot question
Brennan Center for Justice - Small Donor Public Financing Explained

Groups Taking Action:
Common Cause Florida, League of Women Voters FL, Equal Ground

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