Season 2 - The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key - Chapter 7

The Epic Order of the Seven - The Podcast

11-05-2021 • 27分

Season 2 - Chapter 7 - Gillamon and Clarie join the St. Andrew's Day festivities in 1743 - Max tries to stage his own celebration in the studio – and Miss Jenny tells us about Clarie and the lady who inspired her!

The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

From the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key," and hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel!

And we’d love to hear from you, too!  Email:

The audiobook, by Jenny L. Cote, read by Denny Brownlee is available on  Click here: