What is Post-Modernity?

Cook and Swig

19-12-2022 • 1時間 11分

Cook and Swig discuss the 4 horsemen of post-modernity: Roland Barthe, Jaques Derrida, John Paul Sartre, and Michel Foucault. Cook says some things that Swig doesn't get, but it doesn't really matter because the forces of power keep controlling them. If you're confused, welcome to post-Modernity.

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"Parable of the White Man" Joshua Swigart (2022)

Have you not heard of the white man who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours and cried out at the university: "I seek meaning! I seek meaning!" - As many of those who had long-ignored such archaic myths were recording his expression of closed mindedness. "What is this, the 19th century?" asked one. "Look to yourself," said another. "Why so intense? Why so closed minded? Why so bigotted? — Thus, they looked back at their phones. The White Man knocked one's phone into a drain. "Where is meaning?" he cried; "I will tell you. There is none — for you and I. Our lives are vain. But how did this happen? How could we forget our own mothers? Which of us scientists were permitted to make zombies? What were we doing when we took the same drugs? When will we overdose? Which hit will end us? Are we not high continually? Dulled, Doped, Dumbed in every way? Which 12 steps will save us? Are we knocked out already? Have we not OD'd? Can we get any higher? Does progress not leave us somewhere? Do we not need Narcan in the morning? Do we hear nothing but our air pods? Do we see nothing but the apple of knowledge of good and evil? Do we not need to be charged? Men, too, run out of battery. Man has no meaning. He remains meaningless. and we were the ones who forgot about it.

How shall we withdraw ourselves, the highest of all addicts? What brought joy and fulfillment in the world has yet been drugged on the drugs we invented: Who will paint us a masterpiece to ponder? Will our children take in us parents who pushed them to the streets? Can Halloween and parades sober us? Is it too late to find? Must we all become dealers to make money? Influencers to simply appear worthy? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us—for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history hitherto." Here the white man fell silent and looked again at his listeners; and they, too, were silent and stared at him with astonishment. At last, he threw his lantern on the ground, and it broke into pieces and went out. "I have come too late," he said then; "I was silent for too long. This tremendous collapse has already happened; those who need to hear this have deafened themselves. It will require much time.  Deconstruction takes but a moment while reconstruction would require eternity. These students are too lost - and yet they have been led by the blind.

It has been related further that on the same day the white man forced his way into several basements and there joined into the lustful devotion to pictures of other grown boys. He imagined himself with a woman and 10 children, and good friends, as he fell into his own dark sleep.


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