Rebel Rebel Aquarius Full Moon

Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology

16-08-2024 • 28分

As if we are not experiencing enough chaos and instability with the Mars Jupiter conjunction, August continues to give wild and unexpected events, so I wanted to cover what is really going on in this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology podcast with:

  • the continuation of Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini
  • the Mercury Cazimi in Leo, opposite the Aquarius Full Moon for even wilder and crazier action, ready for seismic changes
  • how the Aquarius Full Moon, is making a t-square with the Mercury Cazimi Sun and its ruler Uranus in Taurus for volcanic explosive moves
  • suggestion that maybe all the ADHD diagnosis is the new human who is waking up to our part in nature where we are not meant to work in boxes and certainly Uranus is making that untenable
  • Uranus still has 16 months in Taurus (the earth) to bring about powerful aspects with conjunctions to upcoming full moons, giving us a display of firepower
  • Leo Kate Bush day on her birthday of 28th July is now a thing we need to get involved with, and how her natal chart has very similar wild and rebellious energy to the skies now
  • how Venus in Virgo will TRY to put things right (against all odds)
  • the Sun ingress from Leo to Virgo is at the head of a yod aspect and therefore this change of sign will highlight the cold breeze of discernment coming through our lives
  • next up will be my esoteric astrology course coming very soon

I'm getting ready to launch my esoteric astrology course which will take us down a few rabbit holes of the occult and the evolution or humanity and our part in it. I hope you can join me for this, beginners and intermediate alike.

Join the waitlist for my first course -

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Ann-Louise Holland is a shamanic homoeopath, herbalist and astrologer. She teaches astrology along with Steiner based anthroposophy, both of which are concerned with cultural events that bring about humanity's evolution and awareness to the soul's journey.

Venus & Vesta is a podcast about astrology for astrologers, monthly updates on the movements of the planets and asteroids, weekly detailed discussions, aligning the stars with what is happening in the world. Interviews with astrologers and mystics who have book launches, interesting theories, special events such as eclipses, and celeb horoscopes.


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