Dissolving Dimensions at the Eclipse & Equinox

Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology

20-09-2024 • 37分

I cannot impress enough how the eclipse and the equinox are creating a portal to take humanity through a dimensional shift in consciousness, so in this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology podcast, we are going to look at:

  • The mysterious qualities of eclipses and how they can open us to shadow beings, forces that we are perhaps unaware of, quoting Steiner who warns of being carelessly in the light of the eclipsed moon
  • How Circe the sorceress and witch is integral to this eclipse and to Neptune in the coming days, whereby her magical powers are added to this eclipse energy
  • How Lilith another strong female will be conjunct the next eclipse which is a solar eclipse in Libra on 2nd October
  • Why the Equinox connects us to the Earth’s rhythms and the syzygy of the Earth, Moon and Sun in a way that enforces our vital energy and our mission here in this lifetime
  • The Grand Water Trine that Venus in Scorpio brings about to highlight our emotional landscape in a powerful and dynamic way throughout the rest of September and in to October
  • The conjunction of Mercury, the Sun and the South Node and what this means for the collective and how we can update our relating style since it is in Libra
  • The Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Year as part of my astrology school a place where we can learn together and go through the year, learning as we go in my new 'Star Shala’ https://www.venusandvesta.com/evolutionary-astrology-year

I'm getting ready to launch my esoteric astrology course, which will take us down a few rabbit holes of the occult and the evolution or humanity and our part in it. I hope you can join me for this, beginners and intermediate alike.

Join the waitlist for my first course - https://www.waitlistr.com/lists/47e24219/venus-vesta-course

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/venusandvesta

Website - https://www.venusandvesta.com

Ann-Louise Holland is a shamanic homeopath, herbalist, and astrologer. She teaches astrology along with Steiner-based anthroposophy, both of which are concerned with cultural events that bring about humanity's evolution and awareness to the soul's journey.

Venus & Vesta is a podcast about astrology for astrologers, monthly updates on the movements of the planets and asteroids, weekly detailed discussions, and aligning the stars with what is happening in the world. Interviews with astrologers and mystics who have book launches, interesting theories, special events such as eclipses, and celeb horoscopes.


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