Astrology Of An Election

Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology

08-11-2024 • 36分

In this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast I wanted to check on the astrology around the American election as some people were getting to emotional to read it properly, and within all the aspects donating big change, I looked at:

  • The astrology up until the end of Sagittarius season, so including
  • Was it Mars ingress Leo that gave the power to Trump to cross the line…I think it went deeper than that.
  • Venus ingress Capricorn and how this planet of love and value, may hold the markets steady as Pluto exits the other end of the business world after15 years.
  • The wildness around the Taurus Full Moon and its conjunction to Uranus, which could have an incredible effect on farming, food, finance and the land.
  • What Saturn adds to the Taurus Full Moon, since the karmic planet stations direct on the same day.
  • The tricks that Mercury and Jupiter are going to get up to in opposition.
  • And of course Pluto moving into Aquarius to change our lives forever, and the link to my ‘American Pluto Return' episode from October 2022, which gives you the low down on its history, listen here:
  • My Pluto in Aquarius circle on 12th November to enhance our ability to hold the power Pluto is bringing.

I'm getting ready to launch my esoteric astrology course, which will take us down a few rabbit holes of the occult and the evolution or humanity and our part in it. I hope you can join me for this, beginners and intermediate alike.

Join the waitlist for my first course -

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Ann-Louise Holland is a shamanic homeopath, herbalist, and astrologer. She teaches astrology along with Steiner-based anthroposophy, both of which are concerned with cultural events that bring about humanity's evolution and awareness to the soul's journey.

Venus & Vesta is a podcast about astrology for astrologers, monthly updates on the movements of the planets and asteroids, weekly detailed discussions, and aligning the stars with what is happening in the world. Interviews with astrologers and mystics who have book launches, interesting theories, special events such as eclipses, and celeb horoscopes.


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