Leo New Moon & The Truth Of The Lion’s Gate 888

Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology

02-08-2024 • 36分

The Leo New Moon is always an exciting time of year to re-connect with our heart’s desire, one that I always recommend, so for this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast I wanted to emphasise the heart-warming, passionate themes for this New Moon…go out and celebrate. However, there is also the Lion’s Gate 888 portal to consider and there is so many ideas about this, I wanted to look at whether it was a real thing or not, so for this episode:

  • Give the juicy facts about this lovely Leo New Moon so that we can celebrate our passions and upgrade our total vibe
  • Caveat the Leo celebrations with the next days' shift to Virgo discernment that at once adds certainty and support to our Leo escapades, but also reduces the warmth somewhat
  • Look at how the Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is also going to draw us into a more analytical, critical mode where we demand the facts
  • Understand how Mercury Retrograde moves back into Leo, to emphasise the dramatic headlines that need clarifying
  • Delve into the truth (or lack thereof) of the Lion’s Gate Portal 888 which aligns with the rising of Sirius…and find this is based on various facts that do not align in August at all
  • Bring in the real facts for Sirius and its star beings and how it signified the rising of the Nile and the renewal of food production for life
  • Do connect with me for the upcoming V&V Astrology School for more spiritual and occult truths, sign up

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Website - https://www.venusandvesta.com

Ann-Louise Holland is a shamanic homoeopath, herbalist and astrologer. She teaches astrology along with Steiner based anthroposophy, both of which are concerned with cultural events that bring about humanity's evolution and awareness to the soul's journey.

Venus & Vesta is a podcast about astrology for astrologers, monthly updates on the movements of the planets and asteroids, weekly detailed discussions, aligning the stars with what is happening in the world. Interviews with astrologers and mystics who have book launches, interesting theories, special events such as eclipses, and celeb horoscopes.


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