Episode 1209: Chad Veach

The RELEVANT Podcast

05-11-2024 • 1時間 4分

Our guest today is Chad Veach! He's the pastor of LA's Zoe Church and the author of books like "Worried About Everything Because I Pray About Nothing” and his latest, “I Bet You Think This Book Is About You.” We talk about pride and humility, and why it’s something Christians today can’t ignore.  Also, the cast tackles the prosperity gospel, golf, Jesse's curious love of pranks, and the impact of celebrity culture on accountability. We also have the week's Slices — covering the major governmental intervention into broken McDonald's ice cream machines and a viral Timothée Chalamet lookalike contest that captivated New York City. At the end of the show, we have 'Would You Rather: Holiday Edition'!

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