Quarantine Babies, Sleep Training and Work Slumps with Yao Hong Ch’ng

Parents in Tech

15-01-2023 • 26分

Having a newborn during quarantine, imposing a sleep training system for the kids and overcoming work slumps. In this episode on Parents in Tech, I speak with Yao Hong on parenting during quarantine.

Yao Hong Ch’ng is the Head of Engineering at January Capital. Previously, Yao Hong was one of the early employees at StashAway where he built the company’s flagship product from day zero. He managed product engineering launching in five different regions over four years and headed the business intelligence and data engineering efforts.

When asked about the one key lesson he learned as a parent in tech, Yao Hong Ch’ng emphasises the art of letting go, especially on the things we can’t control. There are no perfect parents in the world and not everything goes according to plan.

To get in touch with Yao Hong Ch’ng, find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaohongchng/

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