Jesus Empowers | Andy Elmes | 8th September 2024

Family Church Portsmouth

08-09-2024 • 13分

Ps Andy speaks across all Family Church congregations about the next phase of our discipleship journey.  At the start of the year we concentrated on two sets of teachings. The first one was called Jesus is - Christology. We looked at the person of Jesus, who the Bible reveals Him to be in the Old and the New Testaments. Following this, we moved on to a second series called Soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. We took a few weeks to study, how incredible our Salvation is, how wonderfully the Lord has saved us, what He achieved in the finished work of the Cross with Jesus.

Ps Andy then speaks about how we are to move to a third part of our discipleship series, which we are calling 'Jesus Empowers'. This is Pneumatology and it's the Doctrine or the study of the person and works of the Holy Spirit.

Ps Andy continues with an introduction to this series which again is fundamental to our understanding of our Christian walk.


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リアルスピリチュアリスト 橋本ゆみ
氣功ヒーラー 吉村竜児
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
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曹洞宗 慶昌院
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