Family Church Portsmouth

Family Church Portsmouth

Listen to messages recorded at our Portsmouth congregation of Family Church. read less


Faith in God Part 2 | Andy Elmes | 27th October 2024
Faith in God Part 2 | Andy Elmes | 27th October 2024
Pastor Andy continues from last week speaking about Faith. However, we can have faith in people, all sorts of things, but the faith Ps Andy speaks about is Faith in God. It is through God's sacrifice of his only Son that we have salvation, it is faith in our Lord's promises not just as the Author but moreover the Finisher that Ps Andy shows us is the key ingredient here. God is wanting us to put trust in him, why?, because He is trustworthy. We trust Him as the creator of the universe, but also his promises - when He gives us a word, He puts his own name on that word to fulfill it. When Jesus said to the people in the boat, we're going to the other side, a storm came but it wasn't really the issue because Jesus had given the word as the author - ie He had given a promise and it would be fulfilled (storm or no storm). The reaction needs to be to thank Him, even when it looks impossible, we don't know or cant see how it can be fulfilled. We move from standing with the author seeing things that haven't happened yet to standing with the finisher. Faith in God positions us at the finish line even when we are still in the race!Ps Andy further expands on this by speaking about the faith journey that Abraham had, and ends suggesting 4 key lessons....Faith is usually a journey, which rarely ends the next dayIf God needed our help He would ask!Faith is never reasonable, we may need to wait for it to make senseFaith is always real before we see it
Global Sunday | United | Sean Finch | 13th October 2024
Global Sunday | United | Sean Finch | 13th October 2024
Today, Family Church celebrates the diverse nations and cultures both at home and in our overseas missions and outreaches that through Jesus make us one big, global family. Ps Sean speaks about the Theme of being United. He refers to Acts 2:1-12 (NIV) " When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”"Ps Sean's message focuses on the fact that everyone was United in one place, the Holy Spirit filled every person who was then enabled to speak in languages they did not know, and this in turn brought the people from outside the room to wonder what was happening (as they recognized their own tongues).For our city this is a prophetic message of how we can be a transforming force with the Spirit's intervention such that those outside our immediate circle can become convicted and saved. This can all happen because we are a UNITED house of the Lord!
Jesus Empowers - The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit | Andy Elmes | 29th September 2024
Jesus Empowers - The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit | Andy Elmes | 29th September 2024
Following the series on 'Jesus Empowers', this week Ps Andy speaks about the Empowerment of The Holy Spirit. Ps Andy speaks about the Holy Spirit coming into the life of a Believer to provide the power and ability to do a number of things. In this message, he looks at three areasThe ability for us to walk in freedom and wholenessThe ability to minister to the needs of others - not to be selfish on our Christian walkThe provision of moral power, and excellence of soul - ability to say no to thingsAfter describing these at length, he speaks about seven areas where the power of the Holy Spirit works in our livesTransforming us from inside out into the image and the likeness of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18)Providing the boldness to do things such as sharing our faithProviding supernatural ability (Mark 16: 17). Jesus tells His disciples to lay hands on the sick and they will recover, speak in tongues, raise them...this applies to us now The Holy Spirit consecrates us, giving us the ability to live a life that doesn't sin To live the life God's called us to. The Bible gives us no excuse not to forgive even when we are hurtHe calls us to do the same things that Jesus did when he walked the Earth. Why? Because the Spirit of the Lord that lived upon Him is now the same Spirit upon us. He is anointing us to preach the gospel, set people free. This is not just a Pastors job! Providing the ability to walk in obedience to the things He asks us to doThe Holy spirit in us gives us everything we need. This is why we are called to be Spirit-filled, Spirit-led and Spirit empowered. This brings glory to God each day, because of the way we choose to live....
Jesus Empowers - The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit | Sean Finch | 22nd September 2024
Jesus Empowers - The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit | Sean Finch | 22nd September 2024
This week Ps Sean continues our series 'Jesus Empowers', speaking on the ‘Fellowship of the Holy Spirit’. He begins by quoting 2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV) "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all". Note the use of the word all, not some! he explains how fellowship is really a lot more than just an acquaintance, its deeper than this. Often we are bad at doing fellowship with each other so understanding fellowship with the Holy Spirit is then nearly impossible for us. PS Sean introduces two key words of importance here - Intimacy and Hosting.  Intimacy relates to a relaxed atmosphere but also privacy. For example between two people in a marriage, there's intimacy. Breakdown occurs without this as others things get in the way with two people walking in different directions. God wants to call us back to intimacy with the Holy Spirit today in a fresh way without distraction from the world. When we host someone we ensure our house is on order, we want to welcome them to feel at home in our house. This requires effort and heart commitment. With countless scripture references, Ps Sean provides insight into how the Holy Spirit is resident within us, is in fact our teacher, our guide, our helper, our comforter. Above all, the Holy Spirit is there to provide the correct comfort we need in our lives, as opposed to worldly comforts and distractions which may satisfy earthly desires but move us away from intimacy with God. John 15 refers (The Vine & The Branches). This is a challenging message!