#59. The Mystery of Short Story Writing: Turning Wrongness into Right

Brainstoryum: Fantasy Writing Prompts with Story Brainstorms

19-07-2024 • 37分

How often it feels like you’re turning a wrong into a right, with stories. Turning a mistake or an injustice, into something that feels like it was meant to be. Turning a problem into a solution.

This is ultimately what a story is made up of: conflict, tension – wrongness, things going wrong for the protagonist, and a struggle to make things right, or it may be something that doesn’t quite make sense in the beginning, a mystery to be solved, and that’s the form of “wrongness” that is to be righted.

Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in journey into the imagination with story brainstorms from listeners on the “quivering silhouette” and 3 new writing prompts generated by the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Your creative writing journey starts here!

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