Brainstoryum: Fantasy Writing Prompts with Story Brainstorms

Anna Tizard

Award-winning dreampunk & fantasy author Anna Tizard plays the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse to create unique writing prompts, by mixing words you've posted at Results are often hilarious at first, but after a little digging, they develop into wild, weird & unexpected stories. This show has evolved over time: Shows 1-37 usually have profound discussions on writing before game play. Shows 28-33 are Alice in Wonderland specials. Shows 37 & later focus more on storytelling, and the story brainstorms are deeper & richer. Dip in wherever you fancy! A ton of fun. read less


#63. Secret Tunnels into the Deep; and Writing “the Reasons Why”
#63. Secret Tunnels into the Deep; and Writing “the Reasons Why”
Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a wild journey into the imagination with this new episode of creative writing ideas, stories and insights. Listeners wax lyrical on “the howling chalice” and “the intrepid ferryman”. Plus enjoy 3 new writing prompts generated by the mysterious word game of Exquisite Corpse. The show also explores deep insights about the writing process and the psychology of discovery writing. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 63 of Brainstoryum. Before we begin with some new story brainstorms – some led by me and others led by my listeners – I have some news. I have discovered a storytelling group local to Brighton, where I live, in the South-east of England. I’ve been meaning to go for months, but I am still struggling a bit with the dregs of long covid, so I was ecstatic to finally make it; it’s a small, welcoming group with a mix of professional live storytellers, writers and non-writers, and I found myself in awe of this unique art form, of telling folk tales, to a live audience. But thankfully, the group is very open to anyone getting up and having a go, and they don’t all have to be folk tales. So I was right in there, clutching my copy of Portals and Immortals, and I read out the first 10 mins’ worth of a short story in that collection, called Axolotl, about a freaky, evil popstar who tries to steal the youth from a younger wannabe. If you’ve read it, you’ll know the story is quite humorous and there’s lots of dialogue from the very start, so I felt it was a good choice for doing voices, and sort of acting out a part. I’m pleased to say, the audience cackled in all the right places – it was loads of fun to do. But what struck me as really odd, was: near the beginning, there’s a mention of this popstar’s song, called “Hump Me, Dump me”. And honestly, it had never occurred me until that very moment, reading it out to this group, that this sounds like “Humpty Dumpty.” And it hit me right then, as I read it out, and I just knew that’s what people were laughing about. I spoke to them afterwards and they said that was part of why it was funny. But how strange. To have written something – that was meant to be funny, anyway – but I hadn’t even got the whole joke. My own joke. Anyway! What’s extra exciting is that, having introduced what I do on this podcast, how I get inspiration for my stories and try to inspire other people to write, the group has agreed in their next get-together (which is once a month), to let me lead them in a game of ExCo and I think I will encourage some story brainstorms in the same session. You can of course play the game without using the resulting sentences as writing prompts, but this is a storytelling group. These are my kind of people, they’re imaginative and they’re ready to hear stories – so maybe I can inspire them to come up with some ideas with me as we play the game. It's been so long since I’ve played ExCo in person, and I’ve never actually done this with a group of people who will be interested in using them as writing prompts: it’s always been just for some laughs (of which there are always plenty, it is one of the funniest games you can play). This is the beginning of something I really want to try some day: playing it with a live audience and doing collaborative story brainstorming. Kind of like a workshop. So if you do happen to be in the south-east of the UK on 2nd October 2024, look up Brighton TellTales on Facebook and come and find us. But what I will do – I will find a way to share some of this wonderful craziness with you: in the show after next (because it’s more than 2 weeks away), I will share some of the ExCos that come up, and also, if they’re really good, or just really funny, I will type them up on a webpage...
#62. Writers, Know Thyself! – And Venture into a Labyrinth of New, Thought-Provoking Story Ideas
#62. Writers, Know Thyself! – And Venture into a Labyrinth of New, Thought-Provoking Story Ideas
Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a wild journey into the imagination with story brainstorms from listeners based on the “the ethereal rune”. Plus 3 new writing prompts generated by the mysterious word game of Exquisite Corpse. The show also explores deep insights about the writing process and the psychology of discovery writing. A creative writing podcast has never been so deep, wildly imaginative and playful all at once. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 62 of Brainstoryum. I hope you’re ready for some thought-provoking story brainstorms, because today’s Exquisite Corpse games will lead us into various alleyways of thought, particularly: knowing yourself as a writer; acknowledging what it is that sparks off your inspiration (and what doesn’t), so you can bypass potential blocks; and the balance between exploring pre-existing associations you have with words and ideas, and just… letting go and diving in. All that’s to come in the strange inner labyrinth that is story brainstorming with Exquisite Corpse. But first, I have some feedback from listeners to the show on a writing prompt I shared last time, so let’s get into that...
#61. Psychology of Writing: How to Balance Craft & Pure Inspiration, and Making Story Choices, Conscious and Unconscious
#61. Psychology of Writing: How to Balance Craft & Pure Inspiration, and Making Story Choices, Conscious and Unconscious
Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a wild journey into the imagination with story brainstorms from listeners based on “the intoxicating box”. Plus 3 new writing prompts generated by the mysterious word game of Exquisite Corpse. The show also explores deep insights about the writing process and borrows some thoughts from 20th century psychologist, Carl Jung. No creative writing podcast has ever been so deep, wildly imaginative and playful all at once. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 61 of Brainstoryum.   Now, last time, I had so many responses to the writing prompt I invited feedback on, that this became the basis for my pre-word game ponderings on the process and experience of creative writing, and do you know what, it’s happened again. Even more incredible ideas have poured in from my hugely imaginative listeners and each of these presents a whole new journey into a story idea – which again, could develop in countless different interpretations depending on the choices you make; consciously and unconsciously. More on that later as things emerge in the Exquisite Corpse games. So many rabbit holes to jump into – so pick up a pen and let’s go.
#60. Mysteries and Maps of the Imagination (Warning: Story Brainstorms May Include Uncontrolled Fits of Laughter)
#60. Mysteries and Maps of the Imagination (Warning: Story Brainstorms May Include Uncontrolled Fits of Laughter)
Join award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard, in a wild journey into the imagination with story brainstorms from listeners based on the “brittle cartographer”. Plus 3 new writing prompts generated by the mysterious word game of Exquisite Corpse. Your creative writing adventure starts here!   Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else! All at INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 60 of Brainstoryum. 60? Really? It’s hard to believe. So many journeys down the rabbit hole… and yet each one is different, unique. Well, I guess that’s the magic of Exquisite Corpse; and there is a certain magic in dedicating a little bit of time to randomness and pure imagination on a regular basis. Long may it continue! In the last few episodes, I’ve been digging deep into the mysterious process of discovery writing, and the workings of the unconscious mind… Well, this time the whimsical meanderings will be down the pathways of ideas – the story ideas of my fantastic, imaginative listeners – because I had so many responses about the writing prompt I shared at the end of episode 59, that this is going to take up the first chunk of the show. And they’re so good, I want to delve into each of them a little bit, and wonder “what’s next”.  So let’s do that, before we turn our attention to even more story ideas...
#55. Creative Writing Prompts Galore – Explore the Wild Garden of Your Imagination
#55. Creative Writing Prompts Galore – Explore the Wild Garden of Your Imagination
Enjoy more zany, imagination-bending journeys into short story ideas for fantasy fiction using writing prompts generated by the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. It’s deep, it’s weird, it’s the most creative writing you’ll ever do. Today’s show also features story ideas sent in by listeners based on “the myopic (short-sighted) gorgon”, plus 3 new writing prompts, impromptu storytelling and creative writing tips.   Check out Nick Vracar’s Exquisite Corpse-inspired story entitled, “Claire and Bethany Go to the Theatre”. Read the story or have a listen at Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get exclusive material from her series, The Book of Exquisite Corpse. All at   INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 55 of Brainstoryum. Spring is here, you’d almost believe it’s summer here in the UK, but I like to think that no matter where you are or what time it is, or time of year, there is always the opportunity for ideas to blossom. Think of your imagination as a garden. You could just leave it and let it fill up with weeds, or you can tend it, dig deep to turn over fresh soil, find things you didn’t know were buried there, and plant the seeds of the most exciting ideas that could grow into the most spectacular stories.   So let’s hold up our proverbial trowels (a pen will do) and get digging...
#52. More Story Writing Ideas; Uniqueness & Originality; Clowns, Creatures, Hauntings & Plunder
#52. More Story Writing Ideas; Uniqueness & Originality; Clowns, Creatures, Hauntings & Plunder
It’s time once more to be inspired (and amused) by zany, imagination-bending writing prompts using the surrealist word game of Exquisite Corpse. Today’s show features story ideas sent in by listeners based on “the susurrant plunder”, plus snippets of storytelling exploring a rich array of new short story ideas and writing tips from award-winning fantasy and dreampunk author, Anna Tizard. Subscribe for free to Anna Tizard’s private email list and get vol 1 in The Book of Exquisite Corpse plus exclusive material not published anywhere else. All at   INTRO: Hello imaginative people! I’m Anna Tizard and this is episode 52 of Brainstoryum. Well, my personal life has been a bit manic lately, with major roof works going on. The noise has been like 3 or 4 ogres trying to smash their way in through the ceiling with truncheons; I was quite surprised to look out the window and see humans, mere humans on the scaffolding. So today I’m grateful that I can bask in one of my favourite distractions: the delicious escape of storytelling, brainstorming ideas and sharing them with you. So whatever you’ve been up to this week, I’m glad you’re able to enjoy this with me.   I have a packed show for you today with some new great story ideas suggested by listeners, plus there will of course be 3 new bizarre writing prompts today plucked from the depths of the socks of destiny.   First things first - let’s hear the story ideas sent in by my highly imaginative listeners. The "susurrant plunder": a curious phrase indeed. It sounds like murmuring treasure; stolen goods that whisper? The rabbit hole I dived into when this phrase came up was one of treasure hunting and a secret history of pirates. But this is only one rabbit hole among countless possibilities, since everyone’s imagination is unique...