55 Plus Community Search: What to Compare

Rock Your Retirement Show

04-02-2019 • 21時間 43分

We are back! Having been on hiatus for the past month. Most of you may know, but for those who haven't yet, Les and I have moved to South Carolina. During the process, we have recorded a series of episodes, and this one is the first in that series. It is about, “What to compare for a 55 and older community search.” Home for the 55 and Older Community Today, I together with my husband Les discussed how to find homes for the 55 and older community. There are certain aspects that you need when looking for houses at these certain ages. We will guide you on those during this podcast episode. In today's episode, we will compare different scenarios on what should be considered when buying a house for you because relocating constantly could be tiring and exhausting for you especially when reaching that certain age that you want this to be the house that you want to live in for the rest of your life. What is a 55 Plus Community? A 55 plus community is a type of location that is designed to accommodate people that are at least 55 years old or older. When you are doing a community search, the atmosphere, layout, and amenities are meant to provide for the needs of this age group, rather than young families. Those areas may have specific stipulations on who can live within the community with the goal of keeping the residents in this upper age limit. What Should You Take Note When Looking for a House? Looking for a house for a 55 plus community may vary greatly from community to community. There are things that you should take note of when doing a community search. It is good to take into consideration that the house that you are looking for should be near gas stations, grocery store, home depot, post office, hospital, gym, airport, assisted living community and a dog park (if you are fond of pets). Your house should also be near your friends or relatives, near a major city and public transportation (like a train, bus, or Uber). Important Considerations When Doing Community Search As you research locations and community amenities, consider other aspects like the pricing or cost of a house. How much does the house cost? The type of community you will live in, size of the accommodations, and the location plays an important role in this. You should also consider the prices of gasoline, organic free-range chicken eggs (if you like eating healthy), average cost of dinner in a restaurant, electricity and gas cost, insurance (which is a major expense), water or sewer, cable and internet, Home Owners Association, property and income tax rate, fees for your exercise classes, and if your hobbies can be found near the community. These are some important considerations when you're doing a community search. Questions When searching for a new house location and their local amenities, you should also take into consideration other aspects like: * If you are buying a property that has a view will that view be guaranteed? * Does it have a community garden? * Will they take care of your yard for you? * The need for approval from the Home Owners Association to change the inside and outside of the house. * How old is the community? Because the newer the community the younger the occupants are. * Are they planning to build more homes? * The ratio of houses to a clubhouse. * What is the length of time your grandchildren and guests are allowed to visit? * The rules for parking? * Services (handyman, laundry, and others). * How can you be on the Home Owners Association board or how would you get to them? * Is the community that you will move to gated? * Do you own the land or does the Home Owners Association own it? * Who owns the clubhouse? The Home Owners Association or builder? Things to Review Lastly, also consider these things before moving into your new house.