How Can Your Eyes Shine God’s Light?

Bible, Women & Bathrobes

01-08-2024 • 34分

Bible, Women & Bathrobes, Episode 35

Sermon on the Mount, Part 18


Tamara, Amy and Kari talk about Matthew 6:22-24, emphasizing the importance of having a single or sincere eye, without guile or deceitful cunning. They discuss how you can see light and darkness in people’s eyes and share their personal experiences and insights on navigating the ongoing battle between light and darkness in their lives, emphasizing the importance of surrounding oneself with light and purity, and making intentional choices to reflect God's light. They also discuss recognizing and overcoming inner conflicts and distractions in faith, prioritizing God's love, rooting out negative traits, and maintaining a strong spiritual foundation to resist the adversary's attacks.

Main Takeaways

·     From Amy, “If my eye is single on the Savior, not on how I'm going to make the bills, not on how I'm going to fix my child's situation, not on how I'm going to whatever my problem is right now--then I involve light. I'm serving the Lord. I'm happy when that happens. And I just I just think that's what it's all about. I'm single--I got my eye on the Lord and He takes care of everything else, then I don't end up being contentious and full of darkness. I'm just happy and me.”

·     From Kari, “If our eye is single, meaning that you can blur out everything else around you and focus on Christ, then those other pieces fall into place. And we don't have to worry about those distractions that are constantly moving. Because you see where you're headed.”

·     From Tamara, “How great is our God! Seriously. His light can pierce the darkest moments. I'm thankful for his mercy because I am far from perfect. And I'm thankful to know that he can help me repent and keep trying because I, like both of you, get distracted easily. And sometimes I feel like, as Amy said, a double agent sometimes, especially in those moments of weakness. But how great is our God that he's prepared a way for us to escape those moments of darkness, and try again.”

Today’s Podcast Hosts & Guests

Tamara K. Anderson

Tamara, founder of Women Warriors of Light, is a dynamic speaker, award winning author, and a podcaster. She is driven by her Christian faith to inspire faith in Jesus Christ. Alongside her husband, Justin, she navigates the joys and challenges of parenting four children with autism, ADHD, and mental health hurdles. You can find out more about Tamara on her website:

Karalee Anjewierden

Karalee Anjewierden is an author, motivational speaker, and fulfilled mother of six. She has appearanced on several podcasts and presented at various retreats and events. Karalee is an avid story seeker, passionate about connecting with people and places. She loves to travel and does so extensively, collecting new and wonderful stories, friends, and miracles she can share along the way. Find her online at She is also on Instagram and Facebook @karaleeanjewierden

Amy Johnson

Amy is a member of our Women Warriors of Light Advisory Board. She is a leader of women, a homemaker, and a licensed cosmetologist. Amy enjoys nurturing women through betrayal trauma to becoming a beacon of support and inspiration.


If you’d like to read the transcript of today’s episode, you can find it on our Women Warriors of Light website blog.


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