TMKS #24 – Did I Just Blow My Big Break? (feat. Annie Sanchez)

The Matt Kollock Show

20-03-2023 • 1時間 21分

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It's been two episodes – and nearly two years – since there's been a guest on The Matt Kollock Show. That makes today's episode a real game changer.

I wanted to have Annie Sanchez, the love of my life, on the show to talk about a recent whirlwind experience from the world of her life and business. In case you aren't aware, Annie is the CEO of Mariposa Strategies. She is the “Queen of the In Between.” She is a podcaster. She is pretty amazing.

Recently, Annie was interviewed as a guest on another pretty-big-deal podcast. So much pressure and so much preparation went into this appearance. The interview has happened. It's done. But the episode has not yet been released. It's such an interesting and specific place to be as a creative entrepreneur! And I'm glad to have captured Annie's mind state at this particular time.


Annie and I mentioned a lot of stuff in today's episode. Here are the relevant links!

Every Other Tuesday A New Damn Thing

I am going to really do it. Keep the podcast going. Regularly. Once a week seems a little too daunting, to be honest. So I'm going to put The Matt Kollock Show on a bi-weekly schedule. Wait, does that mean twice a week or every other week? Shit, I don't remember.

The point is that I'm going to release a new episode of the podcast every other week. So there will be a new 'sode on Tuesday, April 4th, 2023. Nice!

On the Tuesdays the podcast is off, I will publish a blog post. So you can depend on new content from me each and every Tuesday, one way or another. We'll see how long we can keep this shit up! I hope you hang with me.

Thanks so much for listening to the podcast, friends! It means a lot to have you on this journey with me. Annie appreciates it, too. I'll see you next time. Shine on!