TMKS #13 – Where Does the Music Come From?

The Matt Kollock Show

13-07-2020 • 56分

I have some weird ideas about where music comes from. Well, maybe they aren't so weird. But they feel weird in the context of authorship and ownership and stuff like that.

Episode 13 of The Matt Kollock Show podcast covers a lot of ground as I explore my thoughts, feelings and instincts with regard to the source of the music. I talk about different musical traditions and how they have intertwined over millennia to create the landscape we all travel today.

Really Just Read the Wesley Morris Piece

I mean seriously. So much of what I talk about in this episode is so much better said by Wesley Morris in the piece he wrote last year for The New York Times Magazine and The 1619 Project.

I encourage you to read Mr. Morris's piece, entitled For centuries, black music, forged in bondage, has been the sound of complete artistic freedom. o wonder everybody is always stealing it.

The way music exists now is a mess. But here we are. There is also the tricky issue of making a living from music, which, in our culture, requires there to be authorship and ownership. Credit. Shit like that, which is not conducive to making good music and expressing oneself authentically. So yeah.

I also talk about an interview David Bowie did with MTV in 1983, in which he challenged the institutionalized racism of the upstart cable channel. You can read the article I talked about on Consequence of Sound here.

Check Out Episodes 13.5 and 14!

This is just one of three episodes I am releasing today!

Episode 13.5 is a bonus episode just for my Patrons on Patreon who are subscribed at the $5/month level. In that one, I talk about my recent music-gear acquisitions. I have GAS! If you want to listen to that one (and all the other bonus episodes), just visit my Patreon page and sign up at the $5 tier or above. It'll be so cool!

Episode 14, in which I discuss how I want to be a new kind of guitar hero, is available right here or wherever you get your podcasts. It's a good one, so make sure you check it out.

Thanks, my friends! I sure do appreciate you and your listenership. I would love to hear from you, too, so send me an email at and let me know what you think.

Have a terrific week!