Poetry - Shade of Being

Poetic Resurrection

25-01-2024 • 7分

In this January 2024 episode, I'll discuss poetry. Poetry became my outlet, my means of processing and articulating the complexities of my dual identity. Through the rhythmic words and vivid imagery, I could capture the nuances of my emotions, the clash of cultures, and the struggles of navigating between two worlds. It allowed me to explore and embrace the beauty of both sides of my heritage, while also acknowledging the challenges and conflicts that arose from it. Poetry became a form of self-discovery and self-expression, a way for me to make sense of my place in the world. It provided solace and comfort in times of confusion and uncertainty, offering me a sense of validation and understanding that I couldn't find elsewhere. Poetry became my therapy, my self-help, and my sanctuary, guiding me through the complexities of my bi-cultural upbringing and shaping me into the person I am today.

In my teens, I had a poetry notebook I would carry with me everywhere, treasuring the words I had carefully written. However, one unfortunate day in the bustling streets of Chicago, my three-ring binder slipped from my grasp and scattered its contents in the wind. Helplessly watching as my precious poetry scattered into the air, I felt a deep sense of loss. Unlike today, where technology allows us to back up our work easily, back then, everything was typed, and I didn't have a copy of my poetry. Despite this setback, I refused to let it deter me from my passion. I continued to write, pouring my emotions and thoughts onto paper. Over the years, I have managed to compile my poetry into four books, each representing a different phase of my life. "Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2" was published in 2022, previously published were "Inspire Me: Perception" and "Follow Akashic Dreaming Through Time" in 2019. My first book, "Inspire Me: Raw," was released in 2017, marking the beginning of my journey as a published poet. Currently, I am eagerly working on the third installment of the Inspire Me Series, titled "Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams."

In, Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams I hope to take the readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It delves into the depths of one's subconscious mind, exploring the power of dreams and their ability to inspire and transform. Through imagery and thought-provoking verses, I hope this book encourages readers to explore their innermost desires, embrace their passions, and awaken their true potential. Drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature, the complexities of human emotions, and the mysteries of the universe, the poems in my new collection offer a unique blend of introspection and inspiration. With each turn of the page, I invited you to delve deeper into your dreams, discovering new perspectives and unlocking hidden truths. As the third installment in the Inspire Me Series, Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams promises to be a soul-stirring addition to any poetry collection.

As the new year begins, I am excited to share a glimpse of my upcoming book, "Inspire Me: Awakening Dreams." Within its pages, you will find a collection of heartfelt poems, including one titled "Shade of Being." This poem delves into the complexities of human existence, exploring the various shades from beginning to end that make up our being. "Shade of Being" is a reflection on my journey of self-discovery and the power of embracing our finite nature. For those who can't wait to dive into my upcoming book, a sneak peek of "Shade of Being" can also be found in the "Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2." Let this new year be a time of inspiration, growth, and awakening as we embark on a poetic journey together.

Shade of Being

I stand on the beach, absorbing the indigo sky. The whispering breeze surrounds and envelops me as I breathe. It cools the soul. The waves creep up and work with the sand to mold my feet on earth. The Sun's desert colors—rays of light peak through the singing ocean waves, sounds of release and content. There I feel light, floating slowly over the water. I'm not afraid as I'm swept towards the light of eternal energy. The sea creatures do a singing infinity dance by my side. The sparkling eyes of these mammals transform my essence. I'm not alone. How long I have waited to go into the depths of the ocean where emotions ease life's pains as they bathe the skin in harmony. No entanglements, no reins holding me. I turn to see my past and see the shadows of my family and friends holding onto the remaining essence of the sand encasing my life, my experience, the memorable existence of each footstep we walked together.

Inspire Me Series: Book 1 & 2 (Amazon)



A String of Hope by Mikael Hellman

Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/7077-a-string-of-hope

License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license