Ep. 606 - (Foundation in The Path to Enlightenment) The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice

Daily Wisdom - Walking The Path with The Buddha

30-01-2024 • 1時間 56分

(Foundation in The Path to Enlightenment) The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice Participate in this course in-person or online. Details available at this link. https://www.buddhadailywisdom.com/courses-retreats-in-chiang-mai-thai --------- The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice The Buddha gave us guidance to conduct life without harm to other beings or ourselves. This is titled “The Five Precepts”. These are not commandments nor rules to follow, rather how to ensure you are not causing harm to others or yourself. By causing harm to others, we cause harm to ourselves by the Natural Law of Kamma. Through practice of these precepts, you will drastically eliminate unwholesome Kamma production and, thus, experience a more peaceful and content existence. The Buddha’s Teachings are not to control an individual nor dictate what they should or should not do. But instead, provide guidance that when practiced will lead to Enlightenment, liberation of the mind, a peaceful and content mind and, thus, a peaceful and content life. David will help you understand what The Buddha taught regarding The Five Precepts and how to apply them to your daily life in modern times. ---------- FOUNDATION IN THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT - MEDITATION PRACTITIONER COURSE (30-HOURS) This course focuses on guiding Students in developing a solid foundation in The Teachings and practices of Gotama Buddha. Students will learn how to establish a “life practice” based on independent observation of Gotama Buddha’s Teachings. Students will be guided in how to acquire wisdom through learning and practicing The Teachings to liberate the mind on The Path to attaining Enlightenment. At the conclusion of this course, Students will have a theoretical foundation to start integrating and applying these Teachings in daily life to include a consistent meditation practice to eliminate discontent feelings from the mind such as sadness, anger, frustration, irritation, annoyance, guilt, shame, fears, boredom, loneliness, shyness, jealousy, resentment, stress, anxiety, etc. Teachings & Discussions (Dhamma Talks) - Life Story of Gotama Buddha - Enlightenment: What is “Enlightenment”? - The Four Noble Truths: Establishing Right View - The Eight Fold Path: The Path for All Humans to Enlightenment - Transforming The Three Poisons: Craving, Anger, and Ignorance - The Five Precepts: A Householder's Guide to Daily Practice - What is Kamma and How Does It Affect Me? - What is Merit? - Meditation: Developing Your Practice - Buddhist Temple Tour Meditation Practice - Meditation Instruction: Breathing Mindfulness Meditation - Meditation Positions: Seated, Lying, Standing, and Walking Position - Buddhist Chanting in Pali (There are no prerequisites for this course.)

Learn more: ⁠https://www.buddhadailywisdom.com/courses-retreats-in-chiang-mai-thai⁠⁠⁠

Calendar Events View of Classes, Courses, and Retreats (In-person and Online) ⁠⁠https://www.buddhadailywisdom.com/eventscalendar⁠⁠

Daily Wisdom - Walking The Path with The Buddha
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