Manasseh - Amazing grace #2 'Fighting with God'

The Bible Channel - Discover the Bible. (By

04-09-2024 • 52分

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: King Manasseh was a king who set about hating God and trying to fight against Him and His prophecies. He brought great evil and idolatry into the nation of Judah. Despite this, God still worked with him. He caused the Assyrians to take Manasseh captive to the city of Babylon. While Manasseh was in prison, he prayed to God, God heard him, and was released and restored to his throne on Jerusalem. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he was God. Despite all his wickedness, God had forgiven Manasseh. The great lesson is: Don’t underestimate God’s mercy. # Summary Manasseh fought against God's prophecy and misunderstood His nature, leading to his own downfall and the fulfillment of prophecy. ### Highlights - ⚔️ Manasseh's opposition to prophecy shows his defiance against God's will. - 📜 He was knowledgeable of scripture yet chose to act against it intentionally. - 💔 Misunderstanding God's mercy led to Manasseh's hatred of Him. - 🏛️ God's name was placed in Jerusalem, emphasizing His chosen presence. - 👂 The 'tingling ears' warning signifies the severe consequences of Manasseh's actions. - 🎉 God's laws intend to promote joy, which Manasseh overlooked. - 🔄 The cycle of prophecy and fulfillment illustrates the dangers of fighting against God. ### Key Insights - ⚖️ **Misunderstanding Mercy**: Manasseh's failure to grasp God's mercy resulted in his rebellion and ultimate downfall, highlighting the importance of understanding divine kindness. - 📖 **Scriptural Knowledge vs. Application**: Knowing scripture is vital, but applying it correctly is crucial. Manasseh's knowledge led him to act contrary to God's laws, showcasing the importance of aligning actions with understanding. - 🔍 **God's Desire for Joy**: The laws given by God are not merely rules but pathways to joy and fulfillment, which Manasseh missed, indicating a deeper understanding of God's intentions is needed. - 🏛️ **God's Presence**: The significance of God's name in Jerusalem emphasizes the importance of worshiping Him as He intended, reinforcing that true worship aligns with His nature. - 📜 **Self-Fulfilling Prophecy**: Fighting against God's prophecy led to its fulfillment, serving as a warning that resisting divine plans can have dire consequences. - 🎉 **Rejoicing in Law**: The emphasis on rejoicing in God's laws highlights that obedience should stem from joy, a concept Manasseh failed to appreciate. - 🔄 **Cycle of Judgment**: The connection between Manasseh, Eli, and the consequences of their actions underscores the seriousness of leadership and the impact of one's choices on a community.


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