Manasseh: Amazing grace #4 'Broken and Humbled'

The Bible Channel - Discover the Bible. (By

04-09-2024 • 28分

A @Christadelphians Video: Description: King Manasseh was a king who set about hating God and trying to fight against Him and His prophecies. He brought great evil and idolatry into the nation of Judah. Despite this, God still worked with him. He caused the Assyrians to take Manasseh captive to the city of Babylon. While Manasseh was in prison, he prayed to God, God heard him, and was released and restored to his throne on Jerusalem. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD he was God. Despite all his wickedness, God had forgiven Manasseh. The great lesson is: Don’t underestimate God’s mercy. Highlights - 🙏 Embrace humility as we recognize our need for the Lord Jesus. - 📖 Manasseh's destructive reign reflects the nation's spiritual decline. - 🔍 Chronicles emphasizes Manasseh's repentance, unlike Kings. - 🤔 Questions arise about the differing focuses of Kings and Chronicles. - 🌿 Manasseh's humbling experience in bramble bushes symbolizes his need for God. - 🍞 The bread and wine remind us of our dependence on Jesus. - 🎉 We celebrate God's victory through Jesus, acknowledging our limitations. Key Insights - 💡 Humility is essential in knowing God; we can't achieve spiritual growth on our own. - 📜 The parallel between Manasseh and Israel highlights the collective consequences of sin. - ❓ The distinctions between Kings and Chronicles invite deeper reflection on God's mercy. - 🌱 Manasseh's repentance demonstrates the transformative power of recognizing one's failures. - 🔗 The significance of the Last Supper illustrates our shared need for redemption. - ✨ God’s consistent victory in history reassures us of His unwavering presence and support. - 🎊 The weekly remembrance of Jesus through communion fosters humility and gratitude.


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