Your Assignment Can Keep You Alive

Fellowship of Kingdom Professionals with Michael A. Blue

27-01-2023 • 46分

A large percentage of humanity has no clarity regarding God’s purpose for their lives. This is such a critical need, even in a practical way. Notice that even among the elderly, the thing that often enables them to withstand physical and mental challenges is their sense of purpose, of usefulness. Well-meaning caregivers have actually, inadvertently, sometimes crippled those whom they love by taking away all responsibilities. Though the elderly one may need to be “protected” from some functions, if that person who has been the breadwinner, the mover-and-shaker all his or her adult life has a sense of being reduced to child status (at least in his or her estimation), there can be a loss of a sense of dignity and self-image. They have defined themselves by their do-ing all these years. If there is now “nothing to do”, do-ers tend to fade away, physically, psychologically, totally. Wow. Give that person something to continue doing, something that he or she views as significant. It can cause life quantity and quality to be extended.

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