S2 E13 Imbolc Thoughts & Feelings

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24-01-2023 • 13分

There are no official notes to this episode since it was recorded on the fly.

Some thoughts...

  • Imbolc is the midpoint between Yule (Solstice) and Ostara (Spring Equinox) Usually on Feb 1st or 2nd
  • Imbolc means "In the belly of the Mother"
  • It's a time of gestation. Seeds are beginning to create the friction they need in order to break through their shells in the coming spring. It's a time that can be frustrating but in a good way and also of impatience but not knowing why. It is a Spiritual itchiness. This can be an uncomfortable feeling but just remember it is necessary.
  • Brighid is the celebrated Goddess of the season. She was first recognized by the Celts. The Irish honor her with plaques near wells and water ways. Pagans and Wiccans also celebrate her.
  • She is a triple Goddess and is a master of poetry, smithing and healing. She is associated with the element of Fire
  • In our coven we used milk and honey instead of wine and cakes to honor her. It's possible that it is because honey is part of bees and summer and milk being the milk of the Mother


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