S2 E22 Q&A Sex Magic and More

Powered By Magic

11-06-2023 • 23分

Magic Sex Rituals? How are they done & what’s the purpose of them?

It’s generally used for the marriage of the G/Gs together. In some cases it may be used for fertility rites, in others it is used to become a High Priest or Priestess. How they are done is MUCH more complicated. On a simple level it is a ritual like all other rituals, at least in the Wiccan faith. However, the emphasis is placed more on the invoking of the G/Gs than in other rituals AND it will have physical sexual involvement from the person(s) who are trying to invoke the G/Gs into them. For the High Priest or Priestess one it would require another High Priest and/or Priest to facilitate the process. In my experience the sexual engagement is done in a pre-prepared room separate from the rest of the ritual but still within the cast circle.

Is Rosicrucianism related to chaos magic?

Not really. Rosicrucianism is a form of magic created by the Rosicrucians. It is very ritualized, more social, and you learn more the higher up the power structure you go, all in all very ordered. Chaos magic in contrast is often done alone (as it tends to be very personal), with whatever you may want to use, and with a trial and error type of method.

Pop Culture Deities Thoughts - Chaos Magic

I’m not sure what to say here. Myths carry some weight due to the beliefs of many people over broad spans of territory. This was when connecting world wide was often impossible depending on the time period. So I believe it carries more weight to it than our pop culture deities of today and yet it is about a mindset. If the mindset of the majority recognizes the same representation does it make it a deity? Will this change them and have them go down in history as our new myths, legends and deities? Partly it’s a matter of what you think a deity is and if they truly existed at some point as an actual living being. If that is so then probably pop culture deities might belong in a different category than deities.

Pop culture deities are often considered egregores. That is an entity created by the thought energy of many different people, thought energy that agrees on a particular form and character of an entity. My example is Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Many people have seen the movie and generally agree on his form and personality. This thought energy can breathe life into an idea and also a sort of power. If someone wants to appeal to an egregore or pop culture deity and it works for them, go right ahead.

Can invoking angels be dangerous?

As with deities or entities it is a matter of the intention behind the what and the why of the invoking of them to begin with. Also are you invoking them on your own behalf or for someone else? Generally I think it unwise to invoke on behalf of someone else since connections are personal and magic overall is meant to be done for the self. There are exceptions to that rule naturally. But as for the self, I don’t believe invoking angels is a bad thing (as long as the intention is pure and positive), I mean aren’t they being invoked every time someone prays to them in Christianity?

I think it’s much like invoking other beings. Are you being courteous and respectful or are you being frivolous with their time and misusing them? I think it’s good to keep in mind what the goals and principles of the being are in any invocation. Now there are definitely beings that are more prone to offense than others and angels may very well be more forgiving, but that’s no reason to press them on it.

Is there a proper way to address the fae?

I believe that it’s unlikely that it matters because their language is completely different to ours and there is unlikely to be an accurate translation. It’s the intention with which you use your word or words that makes the difference. With reverence. An insult comes from HOW it is spoken; in other words the intention with which it is spoken not the words themselves. However, I think it unlikely that they would want to be considered in any way associated as being part of the human kind at all. So it’s best to be clear that you understand this when calling upon them. They are NOT our equals. This is not to say they don’t like meddling in our affairs, far from it. Sometimes, however, I do think they appreciate the attention just for fun. That’s why one must be careful when addressing or inviting the Fae into one’s life. Again I say, address them with reverence and humbleness for they may consider themselves as equals to the likes of G/Gs.

How do portals open? What are they?

What is a portal? A portal is a doorway into another realm. I believe it’s a place where energy has come together that is attached to another realm. I feel it is very dense energy that we can tap into if we focus our own energy. By Mirriam-Webster’s account it is a “door or entrance, especially: a grand or imposing one”.

I think it's all wrapped up in energy magic. When you come up to a portal (recognizing it for what it is) is a matter of centering yourself in front of the portal, bringing your energy together and then using your dominant hand to push the energy through it to push the portal door open. That’s how I have done it out in nature.

For ritual it’s a little more complicated and it’s done differently based on what tradition you follow. You cast a circle to create a magic sphere which then becomes or connects you and your magic to another realm. You are then in that realm or in between realms. If you need to create a portal to temporarily exit that place then this is the way I know how to do it…

Face the perimeter of the circle where you wish to exit, usually in the north, is what I suggest for its association to other realms (through caves, trees, etc…). Then with your dominant hand from left to right, draw part of the letter ‘A’ or top half of a triangle using your energy and then across the bottom of the triangle by drawing a curved line to meet the other two line ends. Next, visualize pushing the door open with your dominant hand. Once you have stepped through the portal door be sure to CLOSE the door behind by doing the process in reverse.

Portals can be opened by doing it on purpose obviously, by human or other entities. Portals can be opened unintentionally, usually by using a lot of power at one time or by calling entities to you. If you open a portal it’s always a good idea to close it after, because you can’t be completely sure what can come through.

Is there a way to defend  against evil entities without being Christian

My answer is a simplistic one. First depending on the tradition you follow would determine if you even need to. For example the Celts didn’t believe in evil, Heaven or Hell. But if you do believe in it you would basically work some sort of protection magic. There are so many forms of this type of magic that I won’t go into them here but we have touched on them in at least one other episode. S2 E15 for example.

Depending on who you are and what you believe there might not even be evil. You might believe that yes there are entities whose goals are a detriment to your own existence, but evil isn’t the word for that. But regardless Christians do not own the market on defense against entities. Here you might do a spell or create a shield to surround yourself. A shield is easy to create just visualize an orb of light surrounding you ( often white light is used). Connect that orb to an energy source either your own energy, a particular feeling, and/or an entity. I personally have a guardian spirit that watches over me and keeps me safe, so my shields tend to be for guarding against excess emotional energy from others.


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