S2 E15 Q & A Protection Magic

Powered By Magic

05-03-2023 • 17分

Protection Magic

Why do protection magic?

This helps prevent negative energies from affecting you and your life and possibly those closest to you. It can help from draining your energies or weakening your magic.

There are entities out there that don’t have your best interest in mind. It is wise to make sure they can’t affect you.

How to do protection magic.

There are so many different ways to go about doing protection magic as with any magic. We will touch on this more as we go through this. It is advisable to cast a circle around you when you do this type of magic. It is always recommended to cast a circle whilst doing magic but in this case possibly more so because you already have a sense of negativity coming at you.

It is as easy or complicated as you want to make it.

On the go protection for travel.

I find it useful to visualize an orb of white light (safety and protection in mind) around myself and the vehicle I’m traveling in, repetitively if necessary. Especially if I’ve had any sudden thoughts come to mind about something bad potentially happening.

Protective shield for empaths.

I usually envision a shield all around me in white light, blocking negative energies from passing through. Yeah, what she said.

What does it mean if there is interference with your protection magic?

I think there are different schools of thought on this one. I feel it could mean that the need for the protection has taken its course and no longer needs to be in place. Or it could mean you need to strengthen the spell or reformulate it. I’d say be sure to focus the magic on yourself and not cast AGAINST another person. If you feel it's an entity that would be a different story.

Protection herbs & crystals…

HERBS: Basil (self-love), Bay (abundance), Cinnamon (success), Cumin (evil, theft), Garlic (protection), Lavender (peace), Onion, Rosemary (protection), Cayenne pepper (banishing), Peppermint (cleansing/protecting), Chamomile (stress reducing), Marjoram (negative energy), Salt (everything), Cloves (gossip), Fennel (curses), Coconut (evil spirits), Black Pepper (jealousy)

CRYSTALS: Empath protection crystals - Fluorite (psychic attacks), Labradorite (undesirable energies), Moonstone (shielding), Smoky Quartz (transforms negativity), House protection - Smoky Quartz (diverts negative energy), Obsidian (reflects it back to where it came from), Amethyst (defines boundaries), Black Tourmaline (creates a barrier), Basic Protection - Amber, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Black Tourmaline, Clear Quartz

Types of protection: home, personal

Home is usually done through cleansing the home while expelling negativity and unwelcome spirits, often done with sage. Personally, this has a plethora of ways to be done but it is used against any kind of negativity, unwanted or bad spirits, evil (if you happen to believe in that).

A mirror spell here isn’t a bad idea for personal protection. A mirror spell is simply a spell that is focused on “mirroring” negative energy back to its sender.

Also a witch’s bottle is good for personal and home protection. A witch’s bottle soaks in negative energies and traps them. A witches bottle usually includes unpleasant things in it like rusty nails, bits of broken mirror, and sometimes ( now don’t laugh) even pee. You would usually put one either at the corner(s) of your property or by the front door.

Types of tools to use for protection magic:

Sigils [think Supernatural] are a symbol that is written on paper or other inscribable surface that lends itself to a specific purpose also season 1 episodes 9 and 12 are good, jars which have herbs, crystals, oils, and other objects put in it and often sealed at the top by wax,

Witch’s ball S2 E11 Yule an old way to catch or repel bad spirits via encapsulating the spirit or having scared off by its own reflection,

Herbs and crystals in sachets, or on jewelry are good ways of using these energies, Candles can be rolled in herbs and oils with specific intention to expel pretty much anything,

Amulet a necklace or jewelry with an inscription/symbol in it possibly holding herbs and crystals depending on the type of charm,

Dream magic can be incorporated in a sachet with herbs, oils and crystals put together with a specific intent for protection,

Oils used as additions to other spells or as perfume for yourself

Do you need consent to do protection magic for someone else?

My feeling is that you don’t do any magic for anyone else without their consent request. Period. You never know what is best for someone else even if you think you do.

What can I use as a beginner witch with no money?

Do you have a pen/pencil and paper? A sigil is an easy thing to do. Or do you have kitchen spices? Any one of the herbs we previously mentioned might work in a tea; or if you have a small bag, a sachet; or a small container, a “jar”. I think Sigil magic is awesome because it costs absolutely pretty much nothing. Visualization is also effective if you are comfortable using energy magic (which is to say simply using your own energy to cast with intention into the spell you are focused on in your thoughts).

Do you cast protection before you do divination?

As with all magic it is wise to cast a circle around you. Divination is a form of magic. However, I do not feel it is absolutely necessary. I think one should call upon ancestors and guides to be present to help keep it a sacred space. Keeping yourself in the frame of mind of working within an orb of protection could be enough,it doesn’t have to be a big ordeal.

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