S2 E28 Magical Minutia Volume 10

Powered By Magic

10-08-2023 • 17分

Is it bad luck to bury your pets in your backyard? (Death, dying)

I do not believe that it is bad luck. I did it all of my young life when I had yards to do it in. I felt it was a way to keep the spirit close but mostly it’s just how I was raised. I do think doing a sacred burial ceremony and grave preparation is something that would ensure a positive experience both for you and the dearly departed spirit.

When I was younger, still at home with my parents, this is what we did. I do not think it’s bad luck, any more than living life is bad luck. Death is simply a part of life, a way for things to make room for new life. Like Tatjana said though, preparing the grave and having a ceremony is a good way to say goodbye.

What are some situations that your ethics might shift to make one decision or another?

My ethics don’t shift, but the situation does. I believe everyone has free will and should keep that free will. Some people harm others and I think there are both natural repercussions and man made repercussions. And the person who has done harm should have to suffer that backlash. So you have free will, but you can also suffer for your choices.

My ethics are also steadfast and unwavering; they are the morals that I try to live by. I think ethics are a foundation and if the foundation is strong then you want to stick to them. If however, you find that they aren’t working for you or are expanding in a good way then you might shift your perspective and re-evaluate what they should look like. But don’t shift them to meet someone else’s ideas, keep to what feels right for you.

Do you find you do things the same way all the time or do you do things and try to change it up?

I do a mix. Some things I like to keep as traditional as possible like HOW you put together a ritual or some spells but I like changing how the magic is done. I keep the moon cycles and holidays in a traditional light as well, others rituals may be more creative. Spells are open for full on creativity in my book with a few BASIC structures as their foundation.

I do not do things the same way because things always change. A need for money may be different each time. Needing a new job, wanting a raise, and etc. So the main components might be the same but other things change. Like a candle spell vs. a water spell, but both using cloves for money

What are your feelings about experimenting now that you are more settled in your practice?

I tend to stick with what works for me, but when I am out of my depth I am more than willing to go out and research. I do not know all, so experimenting is part of my practice.

Experimentation is how we grow but it must be done carefully. We have basic ideas of what tools and ingredients can mean and if we go by that we can get very creative with how we put things together. But once you get something that works well make sure to have a record of it so you can easily go back to it. I’ll admit I learned by experimentation in the beginning. I used some basic research knowledge and then added in my own personal twists. This comes back to doing what feels right to you. Your own personal magic is the most powerful after all.

What do you think about freewill (are there times where you will perform magic on someone without consent?)

We have covered this one A LOT!!!!! I stand by not doing magic on or for someone without their express consent. We should always respect free will in each other.

I believe that you should not impinge on a person's free will above all. I would be ok with a clause in the magic for someone that doesn’t know that if they would refuse then the magic is null and void.

Are there times you won’t cast/readings for someone or cast something other than what they ask for?

If I get a bad feeling about a person I can choose to not cast for them. As for what their question might be and casting something different I wouldn’t do. That doesn’t mean that the cards/oracles will answer the question the person is asking. It happens that sometimes the tarot/oracle answers the question the person is not asking.

I will not do readings for certain questions perhaps, if I get a feeling of negativity or that the person is under 18 or for legal purposes. As for the type of reading I usually do what is within my means and requested. I won’t switch it up without the consent of the questioner. The divination device being used will do what it will do but that is how a reading or casting works.

What does the key represent on my charm bells?

A key opens the way through a locked door. What that door is would depend on the symbology used on the key. If a heart, then love or friendship is opened, if an anvil, maybe work. It all depends.

Keys are opening and closing doors and portals. You can let something in or lock something out depending on the type of magic you want or need to do. I think specifically on a charm bell it might act like a guard to be gotten through. However, that said, I have not ever used charm bells.

Questions about using a pendulum: Pendulum takes information from the subconscious mind? What can it be used for? Is it dangerous to use?

Some think pendulums use information from the subconscious, others believe it is from their ancestors and still others from their Spirit Guides.I used to think it was subconscious but today I’m not so sure. I now ask my God/Godesses to assist me in answering my questions. I feel that works well for me.

Asking questions from a pendulum can be for pretty much anything. Anywhere from ‘Yes’/’No’ to highly specific questions. I used it to help me choose my daughter’s name before she was born. I simply drew my hand on a piece of paper, wrote down the various name choices on each finger and then asked the pendulum which one suited her best. That helped a great deal I feel.

I do not see any reason why using a pendulum would be dangerous but I think that is up to each individual to figure out for themselves.

What crystal(s) will return my energy to me throughout the day?

I could not find ones that specifically return energy, however, I did find that Citrine is great for increasing energy, creativity, and wealth. And Obsidian, and even more specifically Mahogany Obsidian is good for protecting your energy and also fighting off negativity.

Advice for cleansing thrifted object

I probably would bring it home and either place salt around it to sit in or on it for 7 days (just a magical number for me and that gives it a week’s time to settle), use sage in the same manner (there are many different types nowadays the most common being white sage), and you might do a cleansing ritual for it or just sage the shit out of it. Incense works as well, like sandlewood, dragonsblood, lavender, cinnamon, and frankincense.

What is the biggest misconception about the occult? What is occultism to you?

I think the most obvious is that it’s considered to be evil or satanic. For me it is magic of any sort along with things of supernatural power or existence.

Like Tatjana said, that it all has to do with Satan or evil. Occult according to Oxford Languages is: supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena. That covers a wide ground. Does that include studies of satanic or evil things? Yes, but that is a very small part of a very large category.


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