S2 E23 Summer Solstice

Powered By Magic

20-06-2023 • 11分

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year with the longest amount of sun in one day. Solstitium is Latin for (sol) the sun and (stitium) meaning stopped, so the sun is temporarily “still”.

In Germanic, Slavic and Celtic times bonfires were lit and jumped over for good luck in the growing season and for the coming harvest. These fires were also magical in nature since they were seen as ways of warding off demons and evil spirits. Some believed magic was at its most potent during this Summer Solstice. For the Vikings it was a time to settle and discuss legal matters or resolve arguments. Native American cultures would (some still do) dance a Sundance. The Sioux, for example, would do this around a tree while wearing colors that pertained to the meanings of the dance and time of year. In China the Solstice is seen as a “yin” or feminine energy. In Ancient Greek culture this was the marking of the New Year and the one-month countdown to the Olympic Games. In more modern times with Wicca and Paganism we honor the God at his peak and the marking of the beginning of his descent. The days will now get shorter and his power slowly shifts from the Father he has been into the stages of the Sage to come. Some colors associated with this time are red, gold, bright yellow, orange and green.

This year I chose to honor Amaterasu the Japanese Goddess, ruler of spirits, sister to the Moon and sun Goddess. Ra was my focus for the God, the falcon is one of his symbols, he is the giver of primal life and the Egyptian Sun God.

We had a ritual on Saturday where we honored the God and the Sun. We honored the three aspects: the Warrior, the Father, and the Sage. We started with a clay face mask, representing the Father, painted our masked faces with body paint, the Warrior, and in the end washed it all off to represent the Sage now coming into power. These three aspects are in everyone of us all of the time but at certain points one may play out more than another. Just like with the Maiden, Mother and Crone.



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