#82 Weekly Affirmation Podcast Series to Help You, Heal, Grow and Conquer Challenges

The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast

27-10-2023 • 5分

Thank you for listening today to the spiritual warrior coach podcast.  I am Barbara Savin your host and for the next few weeks, I have something very special planned for you.   Our affirmation podcast series, which will also be available on our YouTube channel, Apple, Spotify and other outlets with soothing and uplifting music, designed to be that guiding light. These affirmations will touch upon various aspects of life, designed to help you heal, grow, and conquer challenges.  Whether it’s boosting your self-confidence, finding inner peace, nurturing self-love or overcoming hurdles that life throws your way, we’ve got you covered. Through the power of these affirmations, you'll find the strength and encouragement you need to transform your life positively.  I invite you to be an active part of this transformative voyage. By tuning in and engaging with our content, you're joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all dedicated to self-improvement and well-being. Together, we'll unlock the incredible potential that resides within each one of us, and together, we'll paint a brighter and more fulfilling future. So, stay tuned, as we embark on this beautiful journey together, and let's explore the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

Please recite the following affirmations by putting your hand on your heart and saying it silently or out loud with emotion.

I Believe in Myself Affirmations

I am living an abundant life.

I am living with integrity.

Every day, my income grows more and more.

I always do my best.

I live each day of my life with passion.

Success comes effortlessly to me.

Life is filled with tremendous possibilities.

I am a dependable friend.

I am a source of love and inspiration to my family members.

I attract positive people into my life.

I allow love to come to me.

I am happy, fulfilled and abundant in love.

I am a giver.

I am grateful for everything in life.

I am happy and blissful.

I trust the wisdom of my body.

I am accepting myself as I am right now.

I am feeling good about myself.

I am enough, just as I am.

My body is deserving of love and respect.

I enrich the lives of others.

I am connected to the universe.

I am calm and confident.

I love myself.

I believe in myself.

I respect myself unconditionally.

And I am free to be me and so I shall be

Make sure to use your affirmations often, as well when you recite your affirmations make sure to truly believe without a doubt those positive words.  With love, Barbara

The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast




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