Ep 2: But Are You Obedient Though?
Jesus is our ultimate example of obedience and sacrifice, but what is obedience? What does it look like?
Topics discussed in today’s episode:
Obedience is a requirement! [2:30]
What is obedience? [4:20]
Submission. [5:30]
Yield. [11:18]
It is wise to be able to submit! [12:40]
Surrender [13:50]
Relinquish Control [14:55]
Ceasing [16:39]
Flexibility [18:14]
Realizing Destiny [21:00]
Obedience and Sacrifice[23:13]
The enemy be lying bro. [26:25]
Abraham and Isaac. [28:03]
Obedience requires faith. [30:39]
What does disobedience produce? [33:10]
The Obedience Reward [36:12]
Delayed obedience...delayed promise. [42:22]
There is more to this life. [43:30]
Closing Remarks [46:26]
Scriptures mentioned in today's episode:
Psalm 47:6-7
Luke 10: 19
Genesis 22
Romans 10: 9
John 5: 30
James 3: 17
Proverbs 23: 26
Luke 22: 42
Psalm 143: 5
Psalm 115: 1
This episode was sponsored by:
Destiny Thomas- Prayerpist
Episode transcript: [Coming soon]
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