DUI Homicides

Crime News Insider

14-03-2022 • 30分

DUI fatalities have spiked in San Diego County. 2021 marked the most fatal DUI crashes in two decades. Our county typically averages around 15-20 DUI fatalities annually, but 2021 saw more than 37 DUI fatalities. The average blood alcohol content (BAC) of someone arrested for DUI was .18%. Summer Stephan announced a half-million dollar grant from the Office of Traffic and Safety that is used to combat this growing problem.

Guest Bio: Cally Bright has been a Deputy District Attorney at the San Diego DA’s Office for over 20 years. Seven years ago, she started up our DUI Homicide Unit, and as the head of the unit, she is responsible for prosecuting DUI Homicides and Vehicular Manslaughter cases.She has taught for numerous organizations and institutions, including California Western School of Law and the National Advocacy Center in South Carolina. Cally has received numerous awards, including the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D.’s) Prosecutor of the Year for San Diego County in 2010, the MADD Prosecutor of the Year for the State of California in 2014,  and the MADD Pursuit of Justice Award in 2018

Laws on the Books Quiz: 2 are real, 1 is fake; can you guess which one is the fake?

A. In Wisconsin, the state can forfeit your car after your second DUI conviction.

B. In Utah, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of .05% or higher, making it the state with the lowest threshold for DUIs in the United States.

C. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sets the legal limit for piloting a plane at .04% or higher.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this podcast are solely of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the Deputy DA's Association nor the District Attorney.

Questions and comments can be emailed to crimenewsinsider@gmail.com.

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Music by: The Only Ocean - "Snake"

Image by: Pixabay user Michael Gaida.