A Conversation with Mike Minter

The Passionately Devoted Podcast

03-11-2022 • 46分

Mike Minter is one of the Associate Teaching Pastors at Rolling Hills Community Church.  He was the founding pastor of Reston Bible Church in Northern Virginia, where he and his wife, Kay, served for 47 years. In 2021, Mike and Kay decided to retire from his position there and to move to the Nashville area.

Mike’s call to ministry goes back over fifty years, but his calling for this new chapter, he says, offers him a chance to minister to a wide range of people from the young to the older members of the church body. Mike has an array of talents and hobbies, including hiking, making whole wheat bread from scratch, and grinding his own berries. And, something that may shock you about Mike is that he has eaten goat's head on a mission trip – and he lived to tell about it!

Pastoral ministry is hard. These days—with pandemics and cultural crises and distrust of the church higher than ever—it may be especially hard. There is a reason an increasing number of pastors are depressed, burned out, leaving the ministry, or—worst of all—imploding their lives through moral failures. Mike Minter planted a church in 1975, and after a long and faithful career in pastoral ministry, he is burdened to see so many struggling pastors. His book, Stay the Course, is born from both his experience and his concern. His heart is to help younger pastors make it through the ministry intact.


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深田小百合の引き寄せ Happy ティータイム
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アトラクションカウンセラー 広田縁
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禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅Life フリーランス僧侶が教える心穏やかな生活
禅インストラクター 曹洞宗僧侶 深澤亮道