S2.E8 | The Fast We Choose

Liturgical Shenanigans: The Podcast

14-02-2024 • 43分

Happy Liturgical Shenanigan Day! We're back from our hiatus at the start of another high liturgical season: Lent. So in this episode we will be turning our attention to practices of Lent, specifically fasting. Using Isaiah 58 as a focus we chat about fasting and all the ways in which we can incorporate that into our observance of this liturgical season.

Throughout the season of Lent we will be engaging Psalm 58 through writing and development of content and resources over on our social media. We'll also return to Isaiah 58 on the podcast later on in the season of Lent as a sort of check in/waystone. So follow along for more on the theme

Speaking of social media, you can explore our lenten liturgies and more that we create on Instagram by following @WayfolkArts, our Facebook page "Wayfolk Arts," or by visiting our website: http://www.wayfolkarts.com.

Did you know that you can communicate with us via any of our socials (listed below) or by joining our discord channel: Wayfolk Arts Discord Family??? Here you will find various pathways to discuss different liturgical topics or to just say hello. Hope to see you there!

Love what you're hearing and want more? Become a patron! As a patron, you are granted access to extended conversation via our after show, a wider range of resources, and community building opportunities with Wayfolk Arts. We would love for you to join us. Find us on Patreon to learn more and join: https://www.patreon.com/WayfolkArts

Liturgical Shenanigans is created by the team at Wayfolk Arts: Hannah, Jackson, Phil, and Maddie. Episodes post every other Wednesday.

Music Credit:

Our theme song is “Dreamcatcher” by Purple Planet Music. Credit as follows:

Music: http://www.purple-planet.co


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