Universal Law of Mental Equivalent {50 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin

07-03-2021 • 16分

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52 Universal Law Series

12 E4 Trauma Method Series

12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series

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40 Spiritual Awakening

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Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth


After working with thousands of clients, helping them release their limited beliefs. I have come to understand that there are common limited beliefs that we all have as human beings. They are such things as I'm not enough, I'm different. I'm alone. I'm unlovable. Not everybody has these limited beliefs, but majority of all human beings at the core of who they are have these, because we are one. So if you're ready to transform your limited beliefs, you wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know the truth of who you are. We know that you have a gift and a message to bring to the world. And we recognize that we are all here awakening together. So today the podcast is titled universal law of mental equivalent.


We're on a series and this is 50 of 52 of a series of universal laws. And so I understand right here, right now that you are universal law, universal law is not external to you. It is not something that you can or can't align to. It is in every essence of who you are, yourselves, everything beating your heart, everything. This is how the dynamics of life works. It's how you're manifesting is how you're demonstrating is how your life is the out picture. So in the new thought movement, we teach that there are kind of two, two times that things are created once in the mind. And once in the external 3d, it's all happening at the same time, but it is really a reflection of what we call the mental equivalent. So many clients will come and, um, they will come with different issues in their life.


They generally come for one of four things. They want to, um, have a breakthrough in the realm of money and career in the realm of relationships and love in the realm of health and vitality or in the realm of their creative expression, leaving their legacy on this planet. So it's really fascinating because if you take a look at your life, you know, you may go, well, what are my limited beliefs? You know, I wanna make more money and, um, you can take a look at your life right now. So I invite you to actually just take a deep breath in, through your nose and ex sign out. And I want you to close your eyes for a moment and take a look at your life right now in the realm of money and career, what would you say is the story? What is the, if you were to sum it up and I am, and you filled in the blank, who are you in the realm of career and money?


Are you somebody that is completely flowing in it? Is it, are you somebody that struggles with money? Are you somebody that gets money and then loses all your money? What is your story? What's the out picturing, right? So we can take a look at our life and we can begin to take a look at the characters that come in and out of our life. But there's a, there's a theme that happens, right? So Einstein said that our imagination is our greatest faculty, because we are always in this mentally equivalent of our life. It's a me mentally equivalent of what we've known. It's the mentally equivalent of what the culture has told us. It's the mentally equivalent of what even the cosmic consciousness and the cycles that we see in astrology and astronomy, right? So universal law goes like this. All of life is the out picturing of the mind.


Individually. You can know someone's beliefs because you can simply witness their life and see what beliefs they're embodying and demonstrating. Collectively. We can observe the manifestation of the one mind by the circumstances of the cultural environment and cosmically. We can witness the divine correlation, the cells in the body and the entrainment of astronomy, right? So the point is, this is there's always a mental equivalent. In fact, imagine right now that all of life, if you open your eyes and you look out at life, you look at the circumstances of your life. You look at the circumstances of your city or the town you live in. You look at the circumstances of the, of the politics, and you look at the circumstances of everything from COVID to everything. There is a mentally equivalent and something's going on within the one consciousness. And this is the mentally equivalent.


So what is the mentally equivalent in your relationships and love? Is it that you believe you're totally worthy of love? Or do you believe that all people leave and abandoned? What is the theme of that? What is the mentally equivalent for you, your health and vitality? What is the mentally equivalent that is out picturing in your health and vitality, and then the fourth area, which is creative expression, right? So there's four areas, money, career relationships, and love, health and vitality and creative expression. What are the mentally equivalent? What is the mental out picturing of your life of those four areas? And then you can know exactly what your beliefs are because your life is a perfect, perfect, perfect mentally equivalent of what's going on in mind. And I had this one client, it was pretty profound. So her mentally equivalent around health and vitality was she had migraines like, like what her migraines were taking was literally taking her life down.


She was in so much pain all the time. And so you go, well, what's going on with the mental equivalent of that, right? So we began to do past life progressions. We gone through some trauma in this lifetime, and then we got into past life regression. And what was really fascinating is when we go into past life regressions, we're doing same trauma work on past lives. And again, like Einstein said, imagination is our greatest faculty. So when we go into past life regressions, we do exactly that. We go in through the wormhole of imagination and through this wormhole of imagination, she began to kind of imagine this incident, this traumatic incident. And she actually had been attacked. She was, um, with her partner and these two men came in and literally attacked them. And I believe that they, they actually hit her over the head with a baseball bat and they dragged her out and put her in the back of a truck and kind of dumped her off.


And this is how profound the work is that in that, in that traumatic incident, she declared, I am in pain. And in that it had literally has, has out pictured into her lifetimes. And so she began to neutralize this past life regression, her migraines began to, to lessen. And so the point is this is that sometime the work works. Sometimes it doesn't work. Sometimes there's more lessons that need to be learned in this lifetime. But the point is, is that whatever is out picture in your life has to come from mind. It has to come from consciousness. It has to come from the belief at a soul level, and that can be good or bad, right? It can be expanding belief. It can be contracting belief. It can be, um, beautiful belief that you believe so much in yourself. And, and you're able to fully express and flow in life.


It could be a belief that you are not enough, that you are different, that you're alone, that you're unlovable. These are the common core, limited beliefs of human beingness. If you're, if you're human, you have the limited belief of your divided, right? It's just part of our consciousness. There's no way you can't have that at some level in your consciousness. And so I just recognize right here right now that why, why do we care about this mental equivalent? Because after working with thousands of clients, what I've come to realize is that it's not about changing. It's not about saying I want this migraine anymore, and I'm gonna, you know, just pretend that it's gone or wish it's gone, because we know that that doesn't work. We know that what resist persists, right? Or a client that says they keep having, you know, dysfunctional relationships. Well, if I just try hard enough, and if I just say, I'm never having a dysfunctional relationship, it generally doesn't work because it's like having a diet.


It's like, I'm not gonna do this. And therefore there is a resistance, what will resist persist? Right? So the real, the real key to a transformation is actually accepting and as is in what is, and so what I've noticed in my clients is that the moment they actually experience their trauma work or their past life regression, or they awaken to realize it at some core spiritual level, they chose it. And they created it at some core level. And it's a lot for people to get there. But when they fully get there and they realize that they created the experience, they created the decision of I'm in pain. They created the decision. As I'm not lovable, they created the experiences that I'm, something's wrong with me and it out pictures and out pictures and it out pictures. But when they truly as is it, and they accept their power, they released a lie that it was the effect because the perpetrator is an aspect of themselves.


The person that leaves them is just an out picturing of what is going on in mind originally. And so in that profound moment of recognizing that, that they created the experience, it releases something so profound and they restore the truth of who they are. They restore the true power that they are. And so in this, why do we care about the mental equivalent? Because if you open your eyes right now and you look out to the world, sweetheart, you created this universe, you created all of it, the good, the bad, the ugly, the air. This is your karma. This is a creative factor. You are one as a divine, you created gravity. You created every last drop of all of life, and then created a game to the experience that you are the effect. That's how cool of a creator you are. And so the universal law of mentally equivalent states that all of life is the out picturing of the mind.


It is all the out picturing of consciousness. Individually. You can take a look at your life and know exactly what your beliefs are around money, career, relationships, and health and vitality and expression. You can look at it collectively and you can look at our, at what's g


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